Tomonobu Itagaki, the creator of the Dead or Alive franchise and the mastermind behind the Ninja Gaiden revival, is finally ready to reveal more about Devil’s Third, his first game with Valhalla Game Studios. In this ten-minute gameplay trailer, the outspoken developer talks a bit about his wild new action game. But unless you’re fluent in Japanese, the finer details of shooting someone with a machine gun or slicing an opponent to ribbons with a katana might be lost on you.
In addition to all the brutal shootings and stabbings, the trailer goes into the story of Devil’s Third, which involves a future without satellites and a return to warfare using hand-to-hand infantry combat with small arms and melee weapons. After this terrorist attack takes out our satellites, the tattooed star of Devil’s Third, who is known as Ivan the Terrible, goes on a one-man crusade to hunt down those responsible.
Besides talking the game up in detail, Itagaki also confirmed the Wii U-exclusive has an official release date in both Japan and the United Kingdom. Devil’s Third will be released on August 4 in Japan and August 28 in the UK (and presumably the rest of Europe). A North American release date has yet to be announced, but Nintendo has promised it’ll be out by the end of the year.