When Bungie’s David Aldridge revealed that the company was working on an MMO at the Game Developers Conference, it confirmed rumors that have long been swirling around the developer’s New Universe project.
Apparently, he was joking.
Aldridge’s gaffe was compared to a manic Charlie Sheen episode in the latest edition of the Bungie Weekly Update. He thought it would clearly come across as a joke and not like the insane ramblings of a man who’s always looking over his shoulder for Vatican Assassins:
Now, in rehearsal Aldridge was convinced that everybody got the joke. It was all in the delivery, he assured us, and he was certain it was clear that he was playfully riffing off of the recent rumors. Unfortunately, most people can’t figure David out – they can’t process him. And we don’t expect them to. You can’t process David Aldridge with a normal brain. You’d need tiger blood and Adonis DNA.
So Bungie’s New Universe is still a big mystery. Maybe we’ll learn more at E3.