The multiplayer demo for Crysis 2 that launched a few weeks ago on Xbox Live is back, and this time the invasion has spread to PCs as well. You can download the demo for Windows here. In addition to the Skyline map, this version includes Pier
1 Imports 17, with the same two modes of Team Deathmatch Instant Action and Crash Site. Unfortunately there’s still no confirmation of the demo heading to the PS3 anytime soon, which is disappointing for many. Either Crytek is stuck in the 2007-thinking that only the 360 crowd likes shooters, or they’re scared to compete with another outstanding multiplayer offering.
In any case, it would be nice for a PSN demo to hit before the March 22 release date. Crysis 2 was a recurring game on Warp Zoned’s inaugural The Next Level as we looked ahead to the games of March 2011.