The PSN may be under attack, but that’s not stopping Sony and Guerilla Games from releasing the next batch of Killzone 3 map packs with the Steel Rain add-on DLC. The pack will include Junkyard, a Guerilla Warfare (Team Deathmatch) locale set in the MAWL Graveyard, but in the rain with jetpacks and EXO mechs. Stahl Arms takes place in, you guessed it, the epicenter of Helghan’s military industrial complex and will be playable in Warzone. You can grab them for $4.99 when the PlayStation Store updates next Tuesday April 12.
There’s only one problem. The day-one DLC, Reclaimed Territory, maps are not in the playlist rotation and if you land in a game with either map, you can’t vote to change the setting next game. Hopefully this issue will be resolved come next week.