Nintendo of Europe has revealed their latest release schedule, and at the very, very bottom, there are two names we’ve all been hoping to see: The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower. The release date just says “Coming to Europe in 2012.”
I know it’s too soon to crack out the champagne bottle, and that we can’t consider Operation Rainfall a success just yet, but I have to admit, I let out a whoop of joy when I saw this. I understand that Nintendo doesn’t have to cater to us, but in the end, we are the hardcore gamers Nintendo keeps saying they want to please, the ones who have been desperately importing games and playing ROMs for years. Why not give in to the untapped potential that is our undying love for your quirky JRPGs… not to mention our wallets, which have Zelda maps on them? (No, seriously. My wallet really does.)