After yesterday’s epic trailer reveal, Rockstar is ready to officially announce Grand Theft Auto V. But if you’re looking for any new information, keep looking, because the press release was devoid of anything important such as what platforms GTA5 is in development for, a release date, or even when we might hear some actual news about the game.
What we did get was a lot of hype-building, including the claim that Grand Theft Auto V will be “the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created.” And in case you missed all the financial strife evident in the trailer, Rockstar confirmed that GTA5 “focuses on the pursuit of the almighty dollar in a re-imagined, present-day Southern California.”
The press release only mentioned the city (and surrounding countryside) of Los Santos, so trips to San Fierro (San Francisco) and Las Venturas (Las Vegas) are on hold for now. Perhaps Rockstar is waiting to announce their inclusion in the game or perhaps they’re being saved for a future expansion.
Oh, the developer also confirmed that the game will have a multiplayer mode, but after Grand Theft Auto IV‘s well-received multiplayer mode, that was a given.
We might be waiting a long time for any real info about Grand Theft Auto V, might as well watch the trailer again.