Promising “Revenge With A Vengeance,” Metal Gear Solid: Rising was introduced to the world at last night’s Spike TV Video Game Awards as a brand new game. Now known as Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, development of Rising has been handed off to Platinum Games, the team behind Bayonetta. In addition to a new developer and one of the dumbest subtitles ever, Metal Gear Rising has a new storyline as well. Instead of taking place between Sons of Liberty and Guns of the Patriots, it’ll take place entirely after the events of MGS4.
Revenge With A Vengeance? I think it’s possible that Hideo Kojima has finally lost it. That doesn’t even make any sense. Well, I guess it makes about as much sense as “Lightning Bolt Action.”
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be released in 2012 for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.