After originally being revealed at the New York Toy Fair earlier this year, Sega is ready to officially announce Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed. The kart racing sequel is once again in development at Sumo Digital and is planned for a late 2012 release on the 3DS, PC, PS3, Vita, and Xbox 360.
Sega is planning to make Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed an all-terrain affair with karts that transform into boats on the water and planes in the air. Why yes, it does sound a bit reminiscent of Mario Kart 7. But what’s new is the game’s unique “fair weapon system.” As they race, players will gain skills for their chosen racer, including the ability to “[block or evade] weapons fired at your vehicle.” Awesome!
Also new is a pair of debuting racers, Gilius Thunderhead of Golden Axe and Vyse of Skies of Arcadia. Both were up for inclusion in the first game, but for some reason, were left on the cutting room floor.
I’ll be very surprised if the “fair weapon system” doesn’t end up in the next Mario Kart game.