FIFA Soccer 13 will bring the innovation this Fall

EA Sports has officially announced that FIFA Soccer 13 will be available this Fall on the… deep breath… 3DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Vita, Wii, Xbox 360, and iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad.

The latest addition to EA’s footie franchise promises to take a few revolutionary steps forward with an improved Career Mode, improved online play, and more than 500 officially licensed teams (clubs in soccer-speak).

The publisher has also revealed that big changes are coming to the on-field action, which you can read more about after the break.

David Rutter, Executive Producer for FIFA Soccer 13, said, “We are perfecting the best sports game in the world with innovations that capture all the drama and unpredictability of the real-world game.”

This is what he’s talking about:

The most sophisticated artificial intelligence ever achieved for the FIFA Soccer franchise will drive FIFA Soccer 13 on HD consoles and PC. All-new Attacking Intelligence enables players to analyze space, work harder and smarter to break down defenses, and think two plays ahead. Players now possess the intelligence to create, curve, or alter runs to capitalize on openings as they occur, make runs that pull defenders out of position to open passing channels for teammates, and better position themselves for new attacking opportunities.

In FIFA Soccer 13 every touch matters with the most comprehensive and intuitive dribbling system ever developed. Inspired by the world’s best player, Lionel Messi, Complete Dribbling enables players to face their opponent and use precise dribble touches combined with true 360° mobility with the ball, so it’s easier to be more creative and dangerous in 1v1 opportunities. Players change direction quicker, are more explosive accelerating with the ball, and are more effective shielding defenders for longer stretches. FIFA 13 1st Touch Control transforms the way players control the ball, eliminating near-perfect touch for every player on the pitch, and creating variety and uncertainty around ball control. Factors such as defensive pressure, trajectory of the ball, and velocity of the pass now impact a player’s first touch, creating more opportunities for defenders to win back possession.

The second generation of the Player Impact Engine expands physical play from just collisions to off-the-ball battles between players. Defenders push and pull for position, and use their size and strength to win possession or force opponents into poor touches and decisions before the ball arrives. FIFA 13 Tactical Free Kicks provides the tools to create dangerous and unpredictable free kicks utilizing the most skillful players on the pitch. Position up to three attacking players over the ball and utilize dummy runs and more passing options to create elaborate free kicks. Opponents can counter by adding or subtracting players to the wall, creeping the wall forward, or sending a bullet man to intercept the pass or block the shot.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.