Nintendo has announced that if you’ve got a ticket to this weekend’s PAX Prime expo, you’ll be able to demo eight different Wii U games during the big show.
The lines are sure to be long, but expo attendees who brave them will be able to play…
- New Super Mario Bros. U, the latest 2D Mario game
- The long-awaited Pikmin 3
- The minigame collection Nintendo Land
- The superhero squad sim from Platinum Games, Project P-100
- The Wii U-enhanced Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge
- Scribblenauts Unlimited, the hi-def sequel to the popular DS series
- The Wii U-enhanced Trine 2: Director’s Cut
- …and ZombiU, Ubisoft’s zombie epic
PAX Prime will take place this weekend (August 31 – September 2) at Seattle’s Washington State Convention Center.