During PAX Prime 2011, Creative Director Josh Holmes referred to Halo 4 as the start of the “Reclaimer Trilogy,” mapping out the Master Chief’s future in the then-upcoming game and two further adventures: Halo 5 (due in 2014 for the Xbox One and officially known as “The Next Halo Game”) and Halo 6. According to a Microsoft representative (speaking to GameSpot), “trilogy” is no longer the correct word for the next two games in the Halo franchise:
“While we originally said trilogy, we’ve actually expanded this to more of a saga, so we don’t want to limit the Reclaimer story within a trilogy.”
Will the “Reclaimer Saga” include more than three AAA console shooters? Or is Microsoft counting things like the recently announced Halo: Spartan Assault for mobile devices as part of the saga? The Microsoft representative didn’t clarify, but I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more about Halo 5 (and Halo: The Television Series, which may also be part of the saga) in the coming months.