The Tomodachi franchise is a series of life simulation games that have gained a considerable following in Japan. And after the continued success of Animal Crossing and its many sequels, Nintendo is finally ready to bring it to North America, starting with Tomodachi Life for the 3DS.
In the game, layers will be able to mix their Mii into “the outrageously bizarre island world” of Tomodachi Life. Nintendo has promised “drama, intrigue, and hilarity” for everyone that dares venture into Tomodachi Life as well as plenty of crazy antics:
“Tomodachi” is the Japanese word for “friend.” After completely customizing all your Mii characters, from their voices and appearances right down to their personality quirks, you’ll recognize them instantly. But you can’t possibly predict what they’ll do next. For the first time ever, Mii characters behave based on the personality traits you select, playing out the drama you set in motion. A celebrity might fall in love with your math teacher. Your mom might jump on stage to belt out heavy metal songs. Or you could become famous striking poses down the runway of a fashion show wearing cute and silly outfits. Best of all, you can document these unbelievable moments for posterity and share them all with your friends via the Nintendo 3DS Image Share service.
Nintendo plans to populate Tomodachi Life with a variety of celebrities including Christina Aguilara. The singer is the first celebrity to sign on for the game’s promotional campaign, which will include an in-game Mii modeled after herself and appearances in videos promoting the game. Like, for example, the one you can find after the break.
Tomodachi Life will be released exclusively for the 3DS/2DS on June 6