When Anthony Amato and I started dating, we played a little bit of Terraria. Well, he played a lot – I played a little. Now that we have much better computers, we’ve started playing it again. We had some connectivity issues (boy can it be a butt to play multiplayer on PC!), but I think we’re ready to start building. Or rather, Anthony has built a lot, and I think I’m ready to move in. :D
There’s a new Humble Flash Sale – get it while it’s hot! It’s the Humble Flash Re-Bundle Simulators. Pay what you want for Bridge Project, Trainz Simulator 12, Euro Truck Simulator, and Wildlife Park 3. Pay $6 or more to unlock Agricultural Simulator 2013, Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming, Pool Nation, and Professional Farmer 2014.
At the Humble Store, they’ve got Awesomenauts for $2.49 and Awesomenauts: Starstorm for $6.29. And at Steam, the Daily Deal is Syberia II for $0.99. Scoop ’em up!
Let’s check out some t-shirts, shall we?
“Death Stare” at Busted Tees is amazing:
I know a few people who will love “A Cup Of Coo’ffee” at The Yetee:
Shirt Punch has “Coexist 151” which is pretty great:
And “The Mario Time” is right next door at Shirt Punch TV:
Christmas in July!