Koji Igarashi, the famed creator of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, has returned to game development. Igarashi, known as “Iga” to friends and fans, shepherded the Castlevania series as its Director until 2014, when he left Konami to form his own studio. Today, the developer announced a partenership with Mighty No. 9 developer Inti Creates to bring the gothically-styled Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night to Kickstarter.
Igarashi is seeking $500,000 to develop Bloodstained, and he’s more than halfway to his goal as of this writing. With more than 30 days to go, it seems likely that this spiritual successor to Symphony of the Night (now with 2.5D side-scrolling and co-op) will reach its funding target. Interested backers will have two options to obtain a copy of the game including a $28 digital copy or a $60 retail disc (which will include bonus content). Whatever choice you make, Bloodstained is scheduled to be released for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One in March 2017.
Igarashi channels Dracula in the pitch video embedded above, but what is the game all about? Well, it’s a tale of curses and loss… also, there are swords and whips:
You are Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist curse which slowly crystallizes your skin. You must battle your way through a demon-filled castle summoned by Gebel, your old friend whose body has become more crystal than flesh.
Igarashi and his partners at Inti Creates and Fangamer have created a ton of ridiculously loaded backer tiers for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. If you love the side-scrolling Castlevania game, I definitely recommend giving the Kickstarter campaign a look.