Capcom says Street Fighter V will never come to the Xbox One


The “console exclusive” is a bit of a misnomer as games that were originally exclusive to one platform usually find their way to the rest with time. Just look at this Fall’s Rise of the Tomb Raider. It’ll make its debut only on the Xbox One and Xbox 360, but this deal “has a duration” and the game will eventually be released for the PC and PS4 (and probably the PS3).

So it’s reasonable to assume this will also happen with Street Fighter V (or the inevitable Super Street Fighter V and/or Ultra Street Fighter V upgrades), which is currently exclusive to the PS4. But not so fast, a Capcom spokesman has told GameSpot that Street Fighter V will never (emphasis mine) come to the Xbox One in any form:

“One comment we see a lot is that something like a Super Street Fighter 5 is going to come out on Xbox,” said the representative. “But the reality is that this is a real partnership. We are console exclusive for this franchise for this numbered run.”

While this news is disappointing for Xbox One owners, the spokesman went on to say that Sony’s assistance extends beyond marketing support. According to the spokesman, Sony is deeply involved with Street Fighter V’s development:

“We’re not talking about how we’re handling post-launch content, but I can say the relationship with Sony does open doors for things we haven’t been able to do in the past,” the representative said.

“The relationship serves a gameplay and development purpose, and not just a marketing value.”

With the 2015 E3 Expo upon us, Capcom and Sony recently released a new trailer highlighting the game’s battle system. Street Fighter V will be released for the PS4 (and PC) sometime next Spring. A multiplayer beta test is scheduled to take place sometime this year or early next year.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.