Square Enix has announced the formation of Tokyo RPG Factory, a new internal team that is dedicated to creating Japanese RPGs. Their first project is the mysterious Project Setsuna, which will be released for unnamed consoles in 2016. Project Setsuna is currently being kept under lock and key by Square Enix, but the publisher did release a few pieces of concept art for the game. The storybook-like visuals can be seen after the break.
“RPGs are a major part of the Square Enix legacy, including Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts,” said Yosuke Matsuda, the President of Square Enix. “RPG fans from all over the world have supported us along the years. To keep creating incredible new RPG titles, we started Project Setsuna and it is developed by Tokyo RPG Factory, a newly established studio for the project.”
Square Enix plans to release more information about Project Setsuna later this year.