Marvel has arguably revolutionized the modern film industry with the introducion of their layered and multifilm-spanning Cinematic Universe. Their superhero movies have consistently performed at the top of the box office charts for years, but they’ve mostly put their video game projects on the back burner. At least, until now.
During this weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con, Producer Mike Jones confirmed that Marvel is working on several console games, which will be announced in the coming months.
“We are very much focused on what our console strategy will be for the future. Obviously console games take a lot longer to incubate, so that will be a slower process for us,” he said in response to a question from a fan. He went on to say, “We are very much taking a controlled, less-is-more, quality-focused, developer-focused strategy, but it is very top of mind, and we’ll have a lot more announcements probably next year.”
While this is great news, this announcement opens up a lot of questions. Which heroes (or villains) will be getting their own games? And will the games be connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe or will they stand on their own? Last year, Marvel executives revealed they were creating a “Marvel Gaming Universe,” so we know the games will sync up in some way.
You may also recall that Telltale Games announced an episodic series based on a Marvel property a few months ago. Could this be the start of Marvel’s big gaming push? Only time will tell.
[Source: Polygon]