The Far Cry franchise is best known for its exotic locales, but a new teaser trailer for Far Cry 5 has revealed the next game in the series will be set in the fictional Hope County, Montana. Popularly known as the state where people go to live “off the grid,” the publisher introduced Far Cry 5’s Montana in a series of brochure-worthy snapshots that were sadly interrupted by scenes of grisly violence:
A man screaming in pain in the middle of a peaceful mountain forest… A dead body floating down an idyllic stream… Another man running through an open field as a gunshot rings out… and a quiet church where one man is brutally beating another in the belltower…
We don’t yet know how all of these images are connected, but Ubisoft has promised to fully unveil Far Cry 5 with a “Worldwide Announcement Trailer” this Friday, May 26.