Launch Trailer for Trailblazers shows off its Splatoon-inspired futuristic racing style

The Launch Trailer for Supergonk’s Trailblazers has been embedded above, and as you can see, it mixes the futuristic racing of the F-Zero franchise with Splatoon’s team-based painting mechanic to create a type of game we’ve never really seen before. But how does it work? Glad you asked…

Experience vibrant visuals, mesmerizing track designs, and the scorching sensation of speed where players use the on-track game mechanic of painting the track to create boosting lanes for each team. Racing together in teams of up to three racers, gamers will cover key areas of the racing line as well as painting over opponents’ painted paths to gain the advantage. Racers who drive with flair and style will also amass skill points to blaze their way to victory!

Trailblazers will feature a variety of procedurally-generated tracks that take players through “mountain ranges, lush forests, and arid desert valleys.” And you’ll be able to tackle these locales by taking control of multiple characters and race cars, each with their own unique stats and skills. A Campaign Mode, featuring story elements and Single-Player Challenges, as well as local splitscreen multiplayer and online play, will be available in the game.

Trailblazers will be published by Rising Star Games, and it launched today on the PC and PS4. It’ll also be available to download for the Xbox One beginning tomorrow.

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John Scalzo is Warp Zoned's Editor-In-Chief and resident retro gaming expert. You can email him at john AT warpzoned DOT com.