Author: Nicole Kline
Wilmot’s Warehouse Review – Probably Not An Accurate Warehouse Simulator, But Absolutely A Blast
Wilmot’s Warehouse is a delightfully refreshing take on the puzzle genre. You – Wilmot – need to take deliveries, organize them in your warehouse, and deliver them. Sounds easy, right? Did I mention there are 200 different items you’ll need to organize, and most everything is timed? Oh, and you are a white square with a cute smiley face, and all the items you have to organize are the same size as you, just with different, colorful images on them? And that you can unlock a helper named Borky?
Well, buckle up. Wilmot’s Warehouse is simultaneously soothing and stressful – and I had a hard time putting it down. (more…)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Review – Party Like It’s 1964
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is a slightly different game than I was expecting. I thought it was just going to be a simple party game with an interesting, nostalgia-driven Story Mode. What I didn’t realize was that it was also a game that would teach me a lot about the Olympics, Japanese interest and pride in the Olympics, and facts about both the 1964 and upcoming 2020 Games in Tokyo. Oh, and it was fun, too! (more…)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review – The Perfect Game for Fire Emblem (and Persona) Super Fans
I spent a lot of time in the world of Fire Emblem: Three Houses this Summer. Like, a lot.
I’m a big fan of the Fire Emblem series, and I also love the Persona series, and Three Houses seemed like a perfect marriage of those two game types. Add to that recipe a game that is played on the Switch, and my ability to play anywhere while also enjoying a big screen experience when I wanted it was satisfied.
I want to say it wasn’t perfect, but I’d be lying to you, to myself, and worst of all, to my house leader, Claude von Riegan. (more…)
Catherine: Full Body Review – Not Everything Improves With Age
Catherine: Full Body is a remaster of 2011’s Catherine, a bizarre and somewhat infuriatingly difficult game that I reviewed back then.
The remaster introduces a new character, Rin, and calls this new storyline a “love square” instead of the original game’s “love triangle” between Vincent, Katherine, and Catherine. It also adds in some different mechanics to the block puzzles. But is all of this enough to warrant a full remaster of the game – other than to introduce it to a new generation of potential fans? (more…)
Gorogoa Review: A Museum-Worthy Puzzler
Nearly five years ago, at my first IndieCade East, I was amazed by what games could do. The feelings they evoked in me, the anxiety, the joy – that weekend helped solidify in me that games were more than just an activity. Sometimes, they could be an experience, one that was unique, evocative, and memorable.
Unsurprisingly, one of the games I played that cold weekend in New York City was the hauntingly beautiful Gorogoa. (more…)
Pyre Hands-On Preview: Supergiant Hits Their Stride With This Upcoming Arena Action RPG
Supergiant Games is known for its unique audio work, gameplay, narrative design, and possibly above all, its vivid art direction and worldbuilding. Pyre is no exception to this, but I would argue that it’s the game where Supergiant is finally hitting their stride. With a combination of stylized art design, innovative and intuitive gameplay, and intriguing characters, it feels like they’ve gone to a whole new level of game design. Not that Bastion and Transistor weren’t excellent in their own right, but Pyre feels like a natural evolution from those games to something wholly different – and yet utterly Supergiant. (more…)
Flinthook Review: Retro Platforming and a Space Pirate With a Grappling Hook… What More Do You Need?
Have you ever wanted a game that was roguelite and also had RPG elements? What about a game where you’re a pirate with an anchor you use as a grappling hook? And did you also want it to have gorgeous retro art, a hyper-catchy and upbeat soundtrack, and maybe a little slime guy for a compass that you feed coins to?
Is this too specific a dream? Is this exactly the game you wanted? Because if it is, I have really amazing news for you… Flinthook is here, and it’s going to make all of your dreams come true. (more…)
Daily Scoop: March 30, 2017 – Tabletop games on sale at Humble!
I know I’ve already said this, but I’m super close to finishing Titanfall 2, and Dishonored 2 just came in the mail, so I need to get cracking! Especially if I’m going to have time for Persona 5 next week. It’s an amazing time to be a gamer!
Speaking of amazing games and gamers, there’s an awesome Tabletop Week sale happening at Humble! Get some incredible games on sale, including Armello for $13.99, Ticket to Ride for $12.45, Tabletop Simulator for $9.99, and Space Hulk for $4.99, among many others!
There are some great sales happening at Steam as well. The Weekend Deal is Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition for $23.99. The Daily Deal is Knights of Pen and Paper 2. Get the game for $3.19, or get the Deluxiest Edition for $5.99.
Hit the jump to check out all of today’s shirts! (more…)