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The Games of April 2018

After the end of a long Winter, things usually start bursting to life in April thanks to the fresh Spring air. This adage used to apply to the game release calendar too, but only a handful of new games will make their way to store shelves in April 2018. And an even smaller handful of titles will rise above the rest.

Nintendo will launch their latest experiment, the cardboard-powered Nintendo Labo kits, for the Switch this month. They’ll be joined by a new beginning for Kratos in Sony Santa Monica’s God of War, and the end for Kazuma Kiryu in Sega’s Yakuza 6: The Song of Life.

You can find out why the Warp Zoned staff is looking forward to these games, and view the release schedule for all of this month’s new games, after the break. (more…)

Posted in Features, Mobile, PC, Switch, Top Story, Vita, Xbox One | Tagged , , ,

The Games of March 2018

Welcome to March, you’re cordially invited to a party for the Nintendo Switch’s first anniversary. While fans surely have plenty of backlogged Switch games to keep them busy, the consolemaker also has one new game on their schedule to mark this milestone. And if you’re a Switch owner, and you’re on the lookout for a new game, you might be interested in Kirby Star Allies.

Kirby’s adventures always feature a unique art style, and that’s something that’s very much in vogue with a few other games set to launch this month including The Behemoth’s Pit People and Level-5’s Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Elsewhere on the release calendar, after a short delay, it looks like Ubisoft is ready to delve deep into the heart of a doomsday cult in Far Cry 5.

Why is the Warp Zoned staff looking forward to these games? You can find out after the break, along with a complete release schedule for all of this month’s new releases. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Features, Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Top Story, Vita, Xbox One | Tagged , , ,

Kickstart This! Grood

It’s been an exciting time in the world of Kickstarter. In addition to prepping a campaign for a short film I am working on, a game that I backed ages ago, Inner Space, was finally released. It is only when you have tried to raise your own funds that you realise the near-impossible task of creating a crowdfunding project, and the endless hard work that goes in to making it succeed.

But some projects make it look effortless by doing a lot of the groundwork before they open their campaigns for donations. And with video games, it is easier to sell something that looks spectacular, or something that is a labour of love, rather than a product to attach microtransactions to. Which brings us to the frantic shooting extravaganza that is Grood(more…)

Posted in Features, Mobile, PC, Top Story |

The Games of February 2018

The remakes are coming! The remakes are coming! There aren’t many original games making their way to store shelves in February, but if you’re interested in exploring some of gaming’s greatest hits thanks to some new remakes and remasters, then you’ll definitely want to pay attention to this month’s upcoming releases.

Sony is rebuilding Shadow of the Colossus “from the ground up” on the PS4, and Square Enix is giving a similar full makeover to Secret of Mana. Atlus is stuffing a wide variety of new content into Radiant Historia to create Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology for the 3DS. And Nintendo and Sega are bringing Bayonetta back for another fight against the heavenly horde in both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2.

You can find what we’re looking forward to after the break, along with a complete release schedule for all of this month’s new releases. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Features, Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Top Story, Vita, Xbox One | Tagged , , , ,

The Video Game Canon: 2018’s “Version 2.0” Update

The Video Game Canon is a statistical meta-ranking of dozens of “Best Video Games of All Time” lists that began in 2017 with Version 1.0, and the ranking has been updated several times since then. Which game is #1? There’s only one way to find out…

The Video Game Canon has been upgraded to “Version 2.0” thanks to the addition of four new lists that were published throughout the last year. Edge Magazine’s “100 Greatest Videogames” issue, Jeux Video’s “Top 100 Best Games of All Time,” Polygon’s massive “500 Best Games of All Time,” and Stuff UK’s “50 Greatest Games of All Time” have reshuffled the ranking in a big way.

Let’s take a look…

Visit for all future updates to this project and to explore the complete Top 1000.

Posted in Features, Retro, Top Story, Video Game Canon | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

R-Cade Combines Arcade Games and Ramen Noodles in Glasgow: An Interview With Owner Androo Faulkner

In my home city of Glasgow, we are blessed with several small gaming havens where people can enjoy old arcade classics. Last year, I interviewed the guys behind our first-ever “arcade bar,” Super Bario, and now I have the pleasure of talking to Androo Faulkner, owner of the gaming and instant raman noodle emporium known as R-Cade. (more…)

Posted in Features, Interviews, Retro, Top Story |

Warp Zoned’s 2017 Golden Pixel Awards: A New Beginning for Video Games


When we looked over the gaming landscape at the beginning of 2017, we opined that game publishers had done their best to wipe the slate clean throughout all of 2016. Many of gaming’s most mysterious projects were finally released, Nintendo closed the door on the Wii U, the VR revolution was in full swing, and upgraded versions of the PS4 and Xbox One were on the horizon.

In these first few days of 2018, I think it’s safe to say the last 12 months definitely fulfilled that promise. Nintendo’s Switch roared out of the gate in March and the consolemaker filled the calendar with big titles on “Day One” and throughout the rest of the year. Night in the Woods, Persona 5, and Golf Story told new kinds of stories that gamers had never seen before. Cuphead delivered a decidedly retro side-scroller packaged within a unique visual playground packaged. And someone even managed to create a fun Friday the 13th game.

It was quite a year, and you can find more of our favorites from 2017 after the break. (more…)

Posted in Etcetera, Features, PC, PS4, Switch, Top Story, Wii U, Xbox One | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Games of January 2018

It’s a new year and time for a brand new batch of video games from developers both big and small.

Fighting game fans will have a lot to look forward to in January with the launch of Bandai Namco’s Dragon Ball Fighter Z, Square Enix’s Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, and Capcom’s Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition. And if you enjoy games with a retro aesthetic, you might want to keep an eye out for Cellar Door’s Full Metal Furies, Square Enix’s Lost Sphear, and Nintendo’s 3DS re-release of Pokemon Crystal.

You can find what we’re looking forward to after the break, along with a complete release schedule for all of this month’s new releases. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Features, Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Top Story, Vita, Xbox One | Tagged , , , ,