Most Recent: Features

Gamer Types: Jocks, Casual, Hardcore… Where Do You Fit In?

Ever been in a room with a group of so-called gamers and find yourself judging each one based on gamer stereotypes? No? Well that’s fine, because I’ve taken the time out to categorize them all for you. Here are the most basic of gamer types, stripped down to their bare essentials. Know of, or belong to, a gamer type not listed here? Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! (more…)

Posted in Features, Top Story |

The Next Level: The Games of March 2011

Ah, March. You’re coming in like a lion, all right… but you’re going out like one, too. Not only are there a ton of awesome games coming out, but there’s also the highly anticipated arrival of Nintendo’s new handheld hardware, the 3DS. More than a few franchises are getting new chapters this month, too. The Warp Zoned staff got together to share what games and tech they’re most looking forward to in March. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, DS, Features, Mobile, PC, PS3, PSP, Top Story, Wii, Xbox 360 |

State of the Video Game Magazine: 2011 Edition

As a technology-based hobby, it’s not surprising that video game magazines have faded into the shadows of the umpteen billions of gaming-related websites. What might be surprising is despite the move towards online publications, game magazines – once the only way die-hard gamers could get information, reviews, and run-downs of everything that happened at the important trade shows – have reinvented themselves in the 21st century to complement the 24 hour news cycle that runs in your web browser. You might think that print magazines are dead, or at least on life-support… but believe it or not, they might be at a higher quality than they were during the peak of the medium. Shall we take a tour? (more…)

Posted in Etcetera, Features, Top Story |

The Amazing Spider-Man: Let the Tie-In Game Speculation Begin!

After months of speculation, Sony Pictures has finally revealed that the new Spider-Man movie will be known as The Amazing Spider-Man. While Spider-Man game publisher Activision didn’t weigh on this momentous news, a game adaptation is surely in development. But what might it entail?

First of all, it’s important to note that Activision already has a new Spider-Man game on tap for a Fall 2011 release. Developed by Beenox, the currently untitled Spider-Man 2011 is shrouded in mystery. The most likely basis for the game is the upcoming “Ultimate Spider-Man” animated series, which will also debut this Fall. Besides, it’s doubtful that Sony would give Activision the go-ahead to release a movie tie-in game so far ahead of the film’s July 3, 2012 opening. So let’s assume the two games are separate. (more…)

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A Eulogy For Guitar Hero: The Day the (Plastic) Music Died

A wise man once said that it’s far better to burn out than fade away. Apparently Activision agreed with the sentiment, as after a bit more than five years of rapid-fire releases, the company has shuttered the Guitar Hero franchise. Just 40 months ago the music gaming business was at its absolute peak – Guitar Hero III sold roughly 2.45 bazillion copies across a half-dozen platforms – but now the series is in complete shambles, what with the latest installment releasing with the authority of a farting ant. This legendary tumble from grace is no doubt why the company canceled the forthcoming Guitar Hero 7 and put the entire series on hold, perhaps permanently. Rather than harp on all that went wrong and led to its untimely demise, let’s discuss what went right – and what the future may hold if Activision dares to bring the music back. (more…)

Posted in DS, Features, Mobile, PS2, PS3, PSP, Top Story, Wii, Xbox 360 | Tagged , ,

Warp Zoned’s Guide to Gaming Videos on YouTube

Do you want all of the latest game trailers the second they’re released? Then pull up a stool and take a gander through Warp Zoned’s Guide to Gaming Videos on YouTube. Below, you’ll find the official YouTube Channels for more than 100 publishers and developers. And they run the gamut from the big guys (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) all the way down to small indie developers (The Behemoth, Dejobaan Games, Halfbrick Studios).

So what are you waiting for? These videos aren’t going to watch themselves! (more…)

Posted in Features |

Interview: Media Molecule’s James Spafford on LittleBigPlanet 2

With the release of LittleBigPlanet 2 just a few days away, we got a chance to chat with Media Molecule’s Community Manager, James Spafford. Hit the jump for a few words on all the new tools available in LBP2, a little bit about the game’s single-player campaign and what it’s like working for Media Molecule.

So without further ado… (more…)

Posted in Features, Interviews, Previews, PS3 | Tagged

X-Raying the Brain Training Trend

Brain games were all the rage back in 2006, but what happened to them? Despite the great reviews and large audience appeal, players stopped caring about Brain Age and Brain Age 2 roughly a month after they were each released. Repetitive gaming is only fun for so long. What newer thinking games are worth your time and money, and, more importantly, will they actually make you smarter?

Since the beginning of time, mankind has found ways to stretch their brains. Some strive to become smarter, while others thrive on being stupid. History lessons aside, the video gaming industry has found a way to capitalize on this idea, and has fairly successfully encapsulated the trend that is “brain gaming” – gaming that totally makes you “smarter.” (more…)

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