Most Recent: Top Story

Dreii Review: Puzzling, But Not In a Good Way


I first got word of Dreii a couple of months ago and I’ve been quite frankly jazzed about it ever since. A physics-based puzzle game! With Journey-style invisible matchmaking and limited communication! And that art style! Dreii almost seemed like it was designed just for me. It pains me to report then that, in spite of all of these things, Dreii is mired in an indecisiveness about what it wants its puzzles to be that makes it at best, boring, and at worst, infuriating. (more…)

Posted in PC, PS4, Reviews, Top Story, Vita |

Doom Beta Impressions: Hell Yes!


The Doom franchise has spent the last decade going through Hell, but the recent Closed Beta for Doom has given me hope that a heavenly ascent is just around the corner. The game’s multiplayer battles are fast-paced and filled with wall-to-wall action. And being able to turn into a demon is just the kind of twist that all modern shooters need. (more…)

Posted in PC, Previews, PS4, Top Story, Xbox One | Tagged

The Games of April 2016


There are some excited games coming out in April, and Warp Zoned is ready to play them! It seems the biggest focus here is Dark Souls III, but Star Fox Zero has more than a few staffers ready to take flight in an Arwing. Read on to find out what our plans our for the month of April! (more…)

Posted in Features, Top Story |

Warpback: What We Played in March 2016


Here at Warp Zoned, it looks like we all just tapped our backlogs this cold month of March! There were a few minor exceptions, of course, like Salt and Sanctuary and Hyper Light Drifter, but for the most part, we were just tapping into old favorites or finally taking the shrink wrap off games we’ve had forever. Read on to see which systems we were playing games on as ol’ Mother Nature snowed most of us in. (more…)

Posted in Features, Top Story |

Catlateral Damage Review: An A-Meow-Zing Experience!


It’s no secret that I adore cats. I’ve owned cats, loved cats, and am actively looking to adopt a new cat. I have cats on everything, from t-shirts to totebags to cat-butt magnets. Because I don’t own any actual cats right now, my friends refer to me as the “catless cat lady.” So it should be no surprise that, the first time I saw Catlateral Damage, I knew it was a game I was going to love. (more…)

Posted in PC, PS4, Reviews, Top Story | Tagged

Batman Is Forever: 4 Ways to Bring Back the Arkham Series


Rocksteady sent us all on a wild ride back when Batman: Arkham Asylum first launched, finally giving the world a chance to properly squeeze on that rubber cowl and proclaim, “I’m Batman!” Two sequels (and a WB Games Montreal-helmed prequel and an Armature-developed side-scrolling spinoff) later, the future of the series is still very much up in the air now that its original developer has stepped away… or have they? Regardless, it seems likely that someone will continue the legacy of the Bat, but what direction could the series possibly take? Well… I’m glad you asked, hypothetical Internet stranger! (more…)

Posted in Opinions, PC, PS4, Top Story, Xbox One | Tagged , , , ,

Resident Evil Reflections: 20 Years With Capcom’s Frightening Franchise


March 22, 2016 marked a true milestone. For it was 20 years ago this week that a groundbreaking video game franchise was born. A game that not only became an instant classic, but also helped create an entirely new genre, spawned several sequels and spinoffs, and launched a successful series of movies. That game was Resident Evil.

Few games have had the long lasting appeal that Capcom’s survival horror series provides, and despite a few bumps in the road, the Resident Evil series is still widely popular after all these years. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, DS, Features, PC, PS2, PS3, PS4, Retro, Top Story, Vita, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Tagged

Hitman, Brussels, and Showing Restraint After a Tragedy


This morning, I couldn’t sleep. At about 3:30 or 4:00 AM I went online; the first reports of what had happened in Brussels were just coming in. I switched on BBC News and felt like it was 7/7/05 all over again. Commuters and travelers were targeted just going about their day, just as they had been nearly 11 years ago in the London attacks. Not much was known this morning, as it had pretty much just happened, and amidst the chaos, everyone was just trying to get their bearings and get to safety. About the only thing that was known was that it had to be terrorism. Coordinated explosions in crowded public places during peak travel times are not a coincidence. It was terrorism, and someone had intended to hurt and kill people.

Last week, it was Ankara and Istanbul; in December, it was Tell Tamer and San Bernardino; in November, it was Beirut and Paris. Every time it happens, it catches us momentarily off guard, and we think, “Really? This crap is still going on? When is this going to end? Will it ever end?” And the usual societal discourse ensues: the condolences, avowals of justice and solidarity, strategies to prepare for the future. These we expect. This is how we grieve.

What we don’t generally expect is, I don’t know, let’s say, news for a video game whose objective is to target and kill people to be announced just a few hours after a horrible terrorist attack. (more…)

Posted in Opinions, PC, PS4, Top Story, Xbox One | Tagged