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Pure Pool Review: It Is Definitely A Video Game About Pool


Every time I sit down to play a game based on some sort of real life sport, the same dilemma runs through my head… why am I playing the virtual version of something I can do out in the real world? I may not be able to putt like Woods, score like Beckham, or run absurdly fast like Bolt, but I can head down to the nearest playing field and make a decent go at it. However, those games allow a form of wish fulfillment to take place on the part of the player, giving them the chance for the sport to be recreated at its highest level. Pool, on the other hand, is a more two-dimensional sport. There is only so much you can do standing around some green felt, holding a stick, and smacking around some balls. There is no management simulation, no on-the-fly formation changes and tactics, no real pop culture icons of the sport. On top of that, pool has that ease of access that American football and the like do not. When you can head down to a local drinking hole, pop a few coins into a table, and play, why does virtual pool need to exist? That’s the question VooFoo Studio attempts to answer with Pure Pool.

And you know what? It’s answered startlingly well. (more…)

Posted in PC, PS4, Reviews, Top Story | Tagged

EGX 2014 Report: Assassin’s Creed Unity, Arkham Knight, The Order 1886, and More


EGX London, formerly known as the Eurogamer Expo, finally gives UK players a chance to their hand at unreleased games after all the other big Summer shows: E3, PAX Prime, Gamescom, and TGS. It sits at the right time of year too! I always tend to get a bit down on games over the Summer when my consoles sit mostly unused.After playing a dozen of the biggest games scheduled to release over the next nine months, I’m excited to finally charge a DualShock 4 again.On top of that, talking to so many gamers in one place really gives you a nice vertical slice of where the industry sits at the moment. But first… the games! (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Features, PC, Previews, PS3, PS4, Top Story, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

The Games of October 2014


The games go bump in the night this October and gamers will have more than a few chances to scare themselves silly this month. Between Alien: Isolation, The Evil Within, and Costume Quests 2, your All Hallows Eve can be a scary good time. What else is the Warp Zoned staff interested in during 2014’s tenth month? Read on to find out… (more…)

Posted in Features, Top Story |

Warpback: What We Played in September 2014


Believe it or not, but Destiny didn’t dominate the gaming time of the Warp Zoned staff last month. Instead, there was much backlog playing along with preparation for some of October’s big new releases. Are we out of touch? Nah, most people would say that we play by our own rules… (more…)

Posted in Features, Top Story |

Nintendo of America Needs To Fix Club Nintendo


Nintendo confuses me at times. On one hand, their studios are among the best. Nobody can deny that when an official Nintendo game is released, it will likely be a great title. On the other hand, some of their internal practices are questionable at best. Case in point: Nintendo of America’s handling of Club Nintendo. Many diehard fans (myself included) have been left scratching their heads at some of the Big N’s decisions. What started off as an amazing way to get Nintendo swag has devolved into a barren wasteland of repeating digital games and greeting cards.

That’s not to say it’s all bad. The digital offerings we get every month are appreciated (although I would like to have more third party Virtual Console titles), and they are reasonably priced. The limited-edition freebies, such as the Smash Bros. soundtrack and Hyrule Warriors DLC are a step in the right direction, but with Nintendo’s merchandising partners and deep pockets, one wonders why the physical rewards are near non-existent. Do they not feel physical rewards are economically viable? Are they just liquidating old inventory before bringing out a new wave of products? Did they run out of ideas, or do they just not care anymore? The truth is that we’ll never know why Nintendo is giving their North American fans the cold shoulder. We may never see an actual renaissance of Club Nintendo rewards, but here are a few ways Nintendo could fix Club Nintendo in the eyes of many gamers. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Opinions, Top Story, Wii U |

The Walking Dead Season 2: Amid the Ruins Review: The Dark Before the Dawn


In the television world, the finale is perhaps the most important episode of the season. It needs to be exciting and emotional. It needs to provide closure, while at the same time end on a cliffhanger and leave unanswered questions. How else could we remain interested in the show during that excruciating, seven-month wait until the next season? This rings true for the current season of The Walking Dead TV series. Rick and the gang are once again in a dire situation, and we don’t know what’s going to happen next. What happened to Beth? What do the residents of Terminus want? Will we riot if Daryl dies? See, now I’m getting anxious just talking about it. OK, back on track.

In order for the season finale to pack a punch, you need the prior episode to provide a good set up – which usually means a duller entry. This is not bad; it just slows down the momentum a bit. But it is necessary in order to make the finale that much stronger. A calm before the storm, if you will. Ergo, Season 2 of the The Walking Dead video game is no different from its television counterpart. As we draw ever closer to the conclusion of the season, we need to have the penultimate preparation episode – as we get ready for the end. Episode 4 follows this same mantra, giving us a notably slower episode, but still enjoyable in its own right. (more…)

Posted in Mobile, PC, PS3, Reviews, Top Story, Vita, Xbox 360 | Tagged

Warp Zoned’s Fall 2014 Preview Presents the Video Game Fantasy League


It’s Over! Click Here to See the Winner!

With its spreadsheets, massive drafting guides, and heavy emphasis on statistics, your average Fantasy Football league is run more like a role-playing game than a sports contest. So as we were putting together our Fall gaming preview, we thought, why not combine the two? And thus was born… the Video Game Fantasy League.

Warp Zoned’s staff got together and “drafted” eight games from this Fall’s release schedule in hopes of creating the best-reviewed team of games. The rules are simple. Each staff member was required to draft a PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Wii U game. The final two positions were reserved for a handheld game (3DS or Vita) and a Wild Card slot that could be filled with a game from any platform. Points are scored based on how well-reviewed each game is and points are locked in based on a game’s Metacritic average a month after a game has been released. Any game delayed into 2015 will receive a big fat zero.

Our draft, and the games we’re most looking forward to this Fall, looks a little something like this… (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Features, PC, PS3, PS4, Top Story, Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One |

It Came From 19XX: Lethal Enforcers


The first time I encountered those twin blue and pink light guns, I was eight years old. The new school year had started, Sonic 2 was glued in the port of my shiny new Sega Genesis, and my parents and I were visiting some family friends. I honestly don’t remember who they were, but I would thank them if I could, because we somehow came home with their copy of Lethal Enforcers, complete with the famous Konami Justifiers. These oversized revolvers dwarfed the Nintendo Zapper both in size and coolness. Whether by gift or by accident, these half-remembered friends never saw the game again. (more…)

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