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Watch Dogs Review: A Bit Ruff
Watch Dogs was unveiled in 2012 at Ubisoft’s E3 Press Conference to the adoration of the entire industry. Over the past year, the Internet hype machine went into full effect, fueled by Ubisoft themselves and the fervor of online commenting communities. After that initial reveal, conjecture naturally sprung up around the web. Would the game look that good? Would the open world really be that open? With Ubisoft sending out trailer after trailer, Watch Dogs was labelled as a coming-of-age party for the next generation in terms of graphics and gameplay.
But the hype train is a bad one to catch, and it has not helped Watch Dogs, making it feel far less than it should be after the initial reveal. After experiencing much of the game’s content, what you end up with is a title that is actually still quite fun to play, but oddly uncompelling. (more…)
7 Games You Missed At E3 2014
One of the major problems with the Electronic Entertainment Expo is the fact that it’s too big. So big, in fact, that it hurts, even though the show seems to get more and more exciting every year. However, at the same time, publishers are showing fewer games. I’ve also heard anecdotal evidence that the show floor is so quiet that you can get cell signal. And after the rush of pre-E3 announcements this year, it could be said that the expo itself is all bark and no bite.
Correct or not, there is still a lot of bark during the second week of June every year, so much, in fact, that dozens and dozens of games get lost in all the noise. Here are seven of them. (more…)
Continue Countdown #6 – The E3 2014 Super Show
With the 2014 E3 Expo a (not so) distant memory, the Warp Zoned staff got together to record a double-length “E3 2014 Super Show” of the Continue Countdown. This rapid fire show covered hundreds of titles including Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Sunset Overdrive, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Mortal Kombat X, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Bloodborne, No Man’s Sky, Super Smash Bros. 4, The Legend of Zelda Wii U, Assassin’s Creed: Unity, and a whole lot more. And if you missed any of our E3 2014 coverage, you can catch up with all of it right here.
Hundreds of Games… 50 Minutes… And Go!
There Are 400 Video Games In This 2014/2015 (and Beyond) Release Calendar
We were introduced (and in some cases, re-introduced) to a huge variety of games at the 2014 E3 Expo. So with that pioneer spirit in mind, the Warp Zoned staff compiled this list of 400 video games that are scheduled to be released between July 1, 2014 and the far, far future. We can’t promise that this calendar includes every game currently in production right now (in fact, we’re sure it doesn’t), but that doesn’t mean we can’t all pore over what’s next and get giddy at what this Fall, next year, and beyond will hold. (more…)
Mario Kart 8 Review: Nintendo Is (Almost) Firing On All Cylinders With This Sequel
It’s a safe bet that the gaming public has some idea what to expect from a game whose title ends in a numeral that many people subconsciously pair with the phrase “Is Enough.” Such is the case with Nintendo’s Mario Kart 8. At a time in the franchise’s lifecycle when most publishers would attempt to hide how long the series has been running with a clever subtitle, Nintendo comes right out and says, “Yeah, this is the eighth Mario Kart game, you wanna make something of it?” (more…)
Continue Countdown #5 – Mortal Kombat X, Forza Horizon 2, Pre-E3 Predictions, More
It’s the most wonderful time of the year as the 2014 E3 Expo is right around the corner. The Warp Zoned staff spent a recent night chatting about some of the big pre-E3 announcements during the latest episode of “Continue Countdown.” We pre-pre-judged Mortal Kombat X, Homefront: The Revolution, Forza Horizon 2, BattleCry, Battlefield Hardline, and Hyrule Warriors in the first six segments of the show.
But we also wanted to worry and fret over a trio of delayed games (Batman: Arkham Knight, The Order: 1886, and Quantum Break) as well as speculate about what a Smash Bros.-style Mario Kart game would be like (spoiler alert: it would be AWESOME). And the eternal question (How much would you pay for an E.T. cartridge excavated from a landfill?) was answered.
Finally, we slipped a few E3 predictions in there. We’re probably way off the mark, but it’s that magical pre-E3 time when anything seems possible.
9 Topics… 30 Minutes… And Go!
Killzone: Shadow Fall Review: Proof That the PS4 Launched With A Bang
Killzone: Shadow Fall, brought to us by Guerrilla Games, is the sixth installment in the ten-year-old Killzone franchise. While it’s still not the transcendent shooter that Guerrilla is clearly capable of producing, the team has taken a lot of feedback on the previous titles and incorporated it into Shadow Fall to create the best game in the series. (more…)
The Games of June 2014
It doesn’t seem like there’s much getting us excited this June. Well, of course, we’re all pretty excited about E3, but other than that, we’ll likely be tackling our backlogs! Read on to find out what games have sparked the interest of the Warp Zoned staff this month. (more…)