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East Coast Game Conference 2014 Report or, Why I Want to See You There Next Year


Once again, I headed down to Raleigh, North Carolina to attend the East Coast Game Conference, or ECGC, as it’s more commonly known. The conference took place on Wednesday, April 23 and Thursday, April 24, and was well-attended by academics, students, and professionals, and filled with panels that were informative and exciting. There were some different tracks this year, a larger expo floor, and some additional exciting events surrounding the conference itself. (more…)

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The Games of May 2014


May is an interesting month for game releases – there’s not much coming out, but there are quite a few heavy hitters, including Transistor, Watch Dogs, and, of course, Mario Kart 8. Read on to find out what the Warp Zoned staff is most excited about for this month! (more…)

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Warpback: What We Played in April 2014


April was a crazy month for Warp Zoned! We went to PAX East and the East Coast Game Conference, played a ton of games, and caught up on our backlogs. Read on to find out all the games we played last month! (more…)

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Intake Review: The Only Time I’ll Tell You to Take Some Pills


PC and mobile gaming are crowded spaces, and they just gets moreso by the day. It’s not hard to find great games – and it’s not even hard to find cheap, great games. But what’s truly amazing is the fact that indie studio Cipher Prime consistently makes games that are both inexpensive and mind-blowingly good. Their latest creation, Intake, just shows how far they’ve come, and promises even more for the future. This intense game was released for the PC last year and is now available on the iPad as of today, and each one has its own appeal and level of addictiveness and fun. (more…)

Posted in Mobile, PC, Reviews, Top Story |

Kickstart This! The Gruesome Chocolate Death Edition

By the time you read this, I will be dead. It will have been a gruesome death, as I am buried under an avalanche of Easter eggs. Death by chocolate, if you will. Like Christ, it will take me three days to rise again, carrying the weight of my guilt in my stomach. So before I get so fat that I can’t reach my keyboard, let us turn our attention to the games and projects you could help fund in April and May.

This month, we have the mesmerising and beautiful adventure puzzler Source, 2D hedonistic shooter Shots in the Dark, isometric RPG detective thriller Pixel Noir, sci-fi planet conquering RTS Hextraction, a returning Kickstarter project in the Lovecraftian 2D adventure game Mark of the Old Ones, and last but not least, sci-fi noir adventure Last Life.

Nom, nom, nom… (more…)

Posted in Features, Mobile, PC, PS4, Top Story, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One |

Rayman Legends Review: Old School Bliss


You can go ahead and keep your “Last of Uses” and your “Grand Theft Autos” – when it comes to amazing titles of the previous generation, I’d put Rayman Origins at the top of my list. The game was perfect in so many ways. The animation, the music, the gameplay – every aspect of that game was a work of art. And although it had quite a bumpy ride – going from a Wii U exclusive to being delayed to releasing on all consoles – its sequel, Rayman Legends is finally available for the next-generation consoles… and not much has changed. It’s more of the same from Rayman and his buddies, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. (more…)

Posted in PC, PS3, PS4, Reviews, Top Story, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Tagged

The Evil Within Preview: Shinji Mikami Made A Game With Zombies In It (Again)


Marketing a horror title is tricky business. If you give away too much, that will spoil the scares and dissipate the tension. But you also don’t want to play things too close to the vest, as then your audience won’t have any clue what to expect. This has been the problem for Bethesda’s The Evil Within almost from the start.

The Evil Within is in development at Shinji Mikami’s new studio, Tango Gameworks. Mikami is most famous for creating Resident Evil and the franchise’s signature sequel, Resident Evil 4. So far, The Evil Within’s marketing has lead audiences to believe that it would be a tense and claustrophobic affair that would force players to run and hide from the imposing and seemingly unstoppable residents of the game’s sanitarium setting. But during a live demo presentation during the 2014 PAX East convention, we got to see a new side of The Evil Within that belies the game’s previous marketing approach and goes in a different (and not altogether wanted) direction. (more…)

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Seen at PAX East 2014: We Are Doomed


Back at PAX Prime 2013, I took a side trip to the Seattle Indies Expo, which was held the same weekend, and it was full of some great indie games. As I was stumbling around, excited to be in a more low-key environment, I came upon a bright, neon-colored game, manned by two gentlemen. One of them handed me a controller, and the other started to pitch the game to me. But before he could get very far, I discovered my laser, and the look on my face and the noise that escaped me indicated that I got it. The man pitching the game was Mobeen Fikree, the madman behind We Are Doomed. After playing it for the rest of the night, I plastered the screen with a “PAXpocalypse” tag, because despite the fact that he wasn’t actually on the show floor, Fikree’s game was, by far, one of the best games I played that entire weekend. (more…)

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