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Continue Countdown #2 – The Evil Within, Borderlands: Pre-Sequel, Super Mario 20, More

The second episode of Warp Zoned’s “Continue Countdown” is now available to watch through our YouTube channel. It’s a PAX East kind of show as Editor-In-Chief John Scalzo, Staff Writer Mike Ryan, and special guest Adam Woolcott discuss the blandness of The Evil Within, the bizarreness of The Behemoth’s Game 4, and the baffling choice to put Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

The trio also delves into the Console War Between the PS4 and Xbox One, next-gen remakes like The Last of Us Remastered, and whether the inclusion of Marvel characters will affect our decision to purchase Disney Infinity 2.0. Finally, they looked at yet another piece of Beyond Good & Evil 2 concept art, the release date gap between the 3DS and Wii U versions of Super Smash Bros. 4, and the quasi-announcement of Super Mario Bros. 20.

9 Topics… 30 Minutes… And Go!

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The PAXpocalypse List: The Best of PAX East 2014


PAX East 2014 was a different type of show than in years past. Some big publishers, such as Nintendo, skipped the show completely, while others, like Microsoft, only brought a handful of unreleased games. This shift in the show floor allowed the indies to take center stage, and the majority of our PAX East 2014 PAXpocalypse List reflects this year’s status quo. But that’s not to say the big publishers skipped PAX East 2014 altogether. Towering displays from 2K, Bethesda, and Ubisoft dominated the exhibition hall map, and we definitely had some fun with a few games that will demand your time during this Summer and Fall.

So if we were cut off from the outside and trapped within the walls of PAX East 2014, which games would we return to over and over again? Well… (more…)

Posted in Features, Mobile, PC, PS3, PS4, Top Story, Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

Hyper Light Drifter Hands-On Preview: Like Playing a Dream


Hyper Light Drifter exploded on the Kickstarter scene back in September of last year, eventually destroying its goal of $27,000. By the time the campaign ended on October 12, it had amassed an impressive $645,158 from backers. The game looked incredible, and I kicked it the moment I saw it. I was wary, as I have been about games on Kickstarter for some time – it’s more common to be excited about a game and have it arrive, months (sometimes over a year) later, and be a disappointing mess. But after playing Hyper Light Drifter at PAX East, I can say with confidence that this is one game that’s going to live up to how amazing it looks. (more…)

Posted in Mobile, PC, Previews, PS4, Top Story, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One | Tagged ,

Evolve Hands-On Preview: Testing Turtle Rock’s Co-Op Monster Mash


When THQ went belly up a year ago, one of the most sought-after prizes was Evolve, a then-unannounced cooperative shooter from Turtle Rock. Ultimately, 2K Games paid more than $10 million to acquire the publishing rights to the project. As the publisher behind the popular Borderlands series, 2K knows a thing or two about cooperative shooters, and they saw something special in the new game from the team behind Left 4 Dead. That something special was “The Monster,” a player-controlled behemoth that the four-player co-op team has to hunt down. I recently had a chance to play Evolve at PAX East 2014, and it’s beginning to look like 2K’s $10 million was money well spent. (more…)

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InFamous: Second Son Review: New City, Same InFamous


The InFamous series, like many superhero simulations before it, is at its best when the player is made to feel like a 24-carat badass. InFamous: Second Son is possibly the epitome of this feeling. However, after experiencing that same feeling in the two (and a half) previous games in the series, alongside numerous other titles of their ilk, the effect is diminished. (more…)

Posted in PS4, Reviews, Top Story | Tagged

Thumbs-On Impressions: GelTabz Performance Thumb Gripz


While a fantastic piece of hardware, the DualShock 4 is not without its issues, the most pressing of which is the quality of the analog sticks. Many gamers have reported cases of the rubber peeling off the sticks. Sony even issued a statement that they are looking into the problem and offered to replace any damaged controllers as they are covered under the warranty. I have not experienced this problem with my DualShock 4, but I have had a different issue: the sticks are slippery as hell.

Sure, it could be my thumbs, but I don’t remember perspiring this much during a gaming session, let alone having overactive sweat glands on my fingers. The issue really comes into play when I’ve got the analog stick pressed for an extended period of time, like during the flying race levels in Lego Marvel Heroes or certain challenges in Rayman Legends. Or pretty much the entirety of Resogun. I’ve found myself losing a life or throwing myself off-course due to having to reposition my left thumb, which can be the difference between life and death, or getting a silver medal instead of a gold. (more…)

Posted in Opinions, PS3, PS4, Top Story, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One |

The Games of April 2014


April is finally upon us, and with it, hopefully some better weather! But that doesn’t matter for the Warp Zoned crew – that is, unless we’re playing our handhelds outside. It’s also nearly time for PAX East, which has us pretty excited! Read on to find out what else we’re looking forward to now that Spring has sprung. (more…)

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Warpback: What We Played in March 2014


We were busy little gamers in March here at Warp Zoned. We spent plenty of time in South Park, used lots of amazing new powers in InFamous: Second Son, got ready for our Titan in TitanFall, and even snuck around a bit in Thief. We also dipped into some of our favorite older games as well, keeping ourselves – and our thumbs – busy as always. Read on to see the complete list of everything we played this last month! (more…)

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