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Daily Scoop: July 25, 2014 – Great t-shirt day

Last night’s game jam judging was amazing! We got to play so many terrific games, and lots of people loved our game, Party Pooper! We didn’t win anything, but I’m still pretty confident that our game rocks, and with more than two hours of work on it, I think it would go places. For right now, it’s going in the queue of “games we want to make.”

Let’s see, what game deals are out there today? At the Humble Store, you can pick up Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion on sale for just $9.99. You can also get Saturday Morning RPG for $2.99, Steal & Steam for $2.49, and Monster Loves You! for $4.99. Over at Steam, the Weekend Deal is Ace Combat Assault Horizon – Enhanced Edition for $4.99, and the Daily Deal is Broken Age for $12.49.

The best part of today is, by far, these t-shirts!


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Daily Scoop: July 24, 2014 – Game Jam judging tonight

Tonight is the Game Jam showcase and judging at Philly Dev Night! The theme is Extreme Mastication, which is pretty awesome. I made an analog game but only got to work on it for about three hours, so I’m not sure if it’s even playable. We’ll find out soon!

There are new games available over at the Humble Weekly Bundle: Plug in Digital! Pay what you want for Ethan: Meteor Hunter, Finding Teddy, and Mechanic Escape. Pay $6 or more to unlock Legends of Persia, Kill the Bad Guy, early access to Freaking Meatbags, and Project Temporality. Pay $10 or more to unlock WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship.

Over at Steam, their Weekend Deal is a free Dead Island weekend! Play the game for free from today until the 28th, and if you decide to purchase, it’s just $7.49 for Dead Island, Dead Island Ripper Mod, Dead Island Riptide, Dead Island: Riptide – Fashion Victim, Dead Island: Riptide – Survivor Pack, and Dead Island: Ryder White DLC. The Daily Deal is early access to the amazing Viscera Cleanup Detail. Get a single copy for $4.79 or a four pack for $14.39. Scoop ’em up!

And now, t-shirt time!


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Uncharted movie bumps Amazing Spider-Man 3 for a 2016 release

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the Uncharted film will get a planned release on June 10, 2016, bumping The Amazing Spider-Man 3 back to 2018.

This may come as a surprise to some, given that the production team has changed directors and writers multiple times. From David O. Russell’s weird crime family concept, with DeNiro and Pesci as Nathan Drake’s non-canonical father and uncle, to Neil Burger’s short tenure as director, the production has been stuck in development hell for a while.

This version of the film is being written by David Guggenheim, not to be confused with Davis Guggenheim, director of An Inconvenient Truth. David Guggenheim has action credits under his belt with movies like Safe House, and Nicholas Cage vehicle Stolen.  Slightly more promising is the current director Seth Gordon, director of Horrible Bosses and the WarGames remake. More importantly for gamers, he directed the quintessential documentary about what a horrible person Billy Mitchell is (also Donkey Kong), King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.

No word yet on whether or not the production team has made the right choice and decided to hire Nathan Fillion to play Drake.

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Daily Scoop: July 23, 2014 – So many appointments

I spent all of yesterday at various doctors appointments – and I mean all of yesterday. I left my house at 9am and got home at 5pm. I might as well have been at work!

There’s a brand new Humble Bundle available, and it’s the Humble Square Enix Bundle! Pay what you want for Thief Gold, Daikatana, Mini Ninjas, Anachronox, Hitman: Codename 47, and Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. Pay more than the average of $8.16 to unlock Deus Ex: Invisible War, Deus Ex: The Fall, Hitman: Absolution, Nosgoth Veteran Pack, and Battlestations: Midway. Pay $15 or more to unlock the final tier: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut, Just Cause 2, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition, and Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. That’s a ton of games!

The Shoe Bundle is the latest over at Indie Royale. Beat the current minimum to get Stealth Bastard Deluxe, Savant: Ascent, Mr. Bree+, Jack Lumber, Fly’n, Oozi: Earth Adventure, Akane the Kunoichi, and Doomed’n Damned.

Finally, Steam has some deals going today as well. The Midweek Madness is all about Eve Online – you can get “75% off the Starter Pack, 50% off subscriptions, 33% off the Entrepreneur Bundle, and 10% off PLEX.” Go check it out. The Daily Deal is Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit for $4.99. Scoop ’em up!

There are a few t-shirts as well. Check them out after the jump!


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Daily Scoop: July 21, 2014 – Creating a home in Terraria

When Anthony Amato and I started dating, we played a little bit of Terraria. Well, he played a lot – I played a little. Now that we have much better computers, we’ve started playing it again. We had some connectivity issues (boy can it be a butt to play multiplayer on PC!), but I think we’re ready to start building. Or rather, Anthony has built a lot, and I think I’m ready to move in. :D

There’s a new Humble Flash Sale – get it while it’s hot! It’s the Humble Flash Re-Bundle Simulators. Pay what you want for Bridge Project, Trainz Simulator 12, Euro Truck Simulator, and Wildlife Park 3. Pay $6 or more to unlock Agricultural Simulator 2013, Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming, Pool Nation, and Professional Farmer 2014.

At the Humble Store, they’ve got Awesomenauts for $2.49 and Awesomenauts: Starstorm for $6.29. And at Steam, the Daily Deal is Syberia II for $0.99. Scoop ’em up!

Let’s check out some t-shirts, shall we?


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Daily Scoop: July 18, 2014 – The weekend is here!

It’s Friday, hooray! And that means getting time to finally relax after a long week. There are tons of things going on in Philly, but the truth is, I kind of just want to go home and play video games and maybe eat some water ice. That’s OK, right?

The most important thing you need to know right now is that the Indie Royale Blasting Off bundle just got a very awesome addition – PHL Collective’s Clusterpuck99! This awesome eight-player local competitive game is one you’ll definitely want to add to your collection. The bundle is worth it just for that game alone!

There are a few new sales at the Humble Store as well. They’ve got Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed for $4.99, Euro Truck Simulator 2 – Going East for $6.49, and Anomaly Defenders for $6.99. And at Steam, the Daily Deal is Prototype 2 for $9.99, and the Weekend Deal is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for $14.99.

And finally, t-shirts!


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Xbox Entertainment Studios will close; Atari doc, Halo: Nightfall, Halo series will continue


William Goldman, the screenwriter of The Princess Bride, once said, “In Hollywood, no one knows anything.” Today, Microsoft is feeling that uncertainty as the software giant has announced they plan to lay off 18,000 people over the next 12 months. Over 12,000 employees in Microsoft’s Nokia division account for the vast majority of jobs affected but, according to Re/code, the company’s film production studio at Xbox Entertainment Studios will also close.

Xbox Entertainment Studios had barely gotten their original programming schedule off the ground before the closure notice came down. An app that included a comprehensive look at the Bonaroo musical festival was released in June while the studio’s first series, Every Street United, is currently airing and will conclude in August.

Some of the originally programming Microsoft had planned will continue even after the closure of Xbox Entertainment Studios. First and foremost, Halo: The Television Series and the Ridley Scott-produced Halo: Nightfall be released as scheduled. And with filming already finished, the documentary examination of Atari’s New Mexican landfill, Atari: Game Over, will also be completed.

The fate of the remaining projects in the studio’s “Xbox Originals” series is unknown, though it’s likely that many will be canceled. Sony still plans to move ahead with their own original programming initiative beginning with this Winter’s Powers.

Posted in Etcetera, News, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Tagged

Daily Scoop: July 17, 2014 – Destiny beta

The Destiny beta begins today for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 owners. Well, Sony players would already be in it, if it weren’t for the PSN being down. It’s a great game from what we’ve seen so far, so I’m not surprised at the network-crashing high volume.

What else is going on today? The Humble Weekly Bundle is brand new – it’s the Simulators 2 bundle! Pay what you want for Universe Sandbox, Cook, Serve, Delicious!, and Out of the Park Baseball 14. Pay $6 or more to unlock Turbo Dismount and Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition. And finally, pay $10 or more to unlock Euro Truck Simulator 2, which includes a debut of the Fantasy Paint Jobs Pack.

There’s also a lot happening at Steam. The Daily Deal today is early access to Starpoint Gemini 2 for $16.74. The Weekend Deal is Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition for $24.99, which lasts until Monday at 10am PST. And since Quakecon started today, their special deal is Dishonored: Game of the Year Edition for $10.19.

Just one shirt today, but it’s a good one!


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