Most Recent: 3DS

Shigeru Miyamoto talks about “a new kind of Mario” at E3 2016

mario-saluteDuring the waning hours of this year’s E3 Expo, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto told IGN, “We’re always challenging ourselves to create something new, so hopefully you’ll see a new kind of Mario in about a year or two.”

For longtime fans of Nintendo, any kind of new Mario game is cause for excitement, but a “new kind of Mario” game is something else entirely. And if it’s still a year or two away, does that mean it’s in development for Nintendo’s new NX console?

Mario’s video game career has allowed him to take up a number of different vocations over the years, but Miyamoto believes that the core principles of any Mario game must be grounded in “approachability and accessibility.” This has made it difficult for the developer to stray too far from the traditional Mario formula, but younger employees have helped him “[look] at the conventions with fresh eyes.”

It’s much too early to speculate on what Miyamoto is cooking up within Nintendo’s headquarters, but it goes along with what Super Mario Maker co-creator Takashi Tezuka said back in November, when he told reporters the consolemaker has “interesting things” planned for the character.

Wherever Mario goes next, it might be a while before we hear about it. Miyamoto finished his chat with IGN by saying, “Maybe next E3 we’ll be able to share something.”

Posted in 3DS, News, Switch, Wii U | Tagged , ,

Nintendo Download: Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Terraria, Super Paper Mario, more

Even though it was E3 week, Nintendo has loaded this week’s Nintendo eShop update with a great new (and classic) games.

Leading things off is Rhythm Heaven Megamix, which received a surprise launch for the 3DS earlier this week. Rhythm Heaven Megamix collects more than 70 challenges from the series and asks players to match the absolutely bizarre beat of goats eating turnips, viruses speeding around a body, a hungry bear, and more.

Also this week, a Super NES classic is now available to download for Nintendo’s handheld. Mega Man 7 isn’t as well-known as the NES sextet that preceded it, but fans have started to come around on the original Blue Bomber’s only 16-bit adventure.

Over on the Wii U, players are able to download Terraria today, which is two weeks earlier than expected. The side-scrolling exploration game has added a touchscreen interface for its Wii U debut, along with online and splitscreen multiplayer. Finally, Nintendo added the Wii-era adventure Super Paper Mario to the Wii U eShop.

More information on all of these games (and a few other new releases) can be found after the break. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, News, Wii U | Tagged ,

Nintendo announces Mario Party: Star Rush at E3 2016

Hey Nintendo fans, remember those new “Super Mario” Amiibo figures the company revealed a day ago? Well, they’re going to launch alongside a new entry in the Mario Party series on November 4… Mario Party: Star Rush.

The “Rush” part of the title is quite apt, as every player in Mario Party: Star Rush will be able to take their turn at the same time, a first for the series. Players will also recruit familiar Nintendo characters to help them conquer the map:

This new Mario Party game for Nintendo 3DS takes the fan-favorite series in new directions to make it more fast-paced and portable friendly. The main mode, “Toad Scramble,” uses a new open style of map that allows up to four players to move around freely instead of traditional linear space movements. Also, because the four players roll dice at the same time, players no longer have to wait for others to finish their turns. Players pick different-colored Toad characters to navigate the game map, and familiar characters from the Super Mario series are scattered all over the map. As players encounter these characters, they will help the player throughout the game.

Mario Party: Star Rush is in development for the 3DS, and you can watch an extended gameplay demonstration with from Nintendo Treehouse team after the break. (more…)

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Dragon Quest VII will be released for the 3DS on September 16

Nintendo and Square Enix have announced that Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past will be released for the 3DS on September 16. Fragments of the Forgotten Past is actually a remake of Dragon Warrior VII, which was the last game to carry the “Dragon Warrior” name when it was released in North America in 2001.

Developer by Artepiazza, the portable version of the game will include polygonal graphics for the first time and a completely revamped script. But the expansive job system (players can take on more than 30 different vocations) and the classic turn-based battles will remain unchanged.

The Nintendo Treehouse team sat down with developers from Artepiazza and Square Enix at this year’s E3 Expo. You can catch their chat, along with nearly 30 minutes of live gameplay, after the break. (more…)

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Seven new Amiibo figures will be added to the “Super Mario” line in November

supermarioamiibo-e32016While Nintendo has put the majority of their E3 attention on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the consolemaker also unveiled a new wave of Amiibo figures that’ll be added to the “Super Mario” line on November 4.

While most of the figures are new designs for familiar characters (Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Wario, and Roaslina), a few are receiving the Amiibo treatment for the first time (Waluigi, Daisy, and Boo). These seven figures aren’t tied to a specific game, but they’ll be compatible with a wide range of Wii U and 3DS titles such as Mario Party 10 and Super Smash Bros. For 3DS/Wii U.

Nintendo will presumably add the figures to their Amiibo Compatibility Chart very soon.

UPDATE: The seven figures will also be compatible with Mario Party: Star Rush, which will be released for the 3DS on November 4.

Posted in 3DS, News, Wii U | Tagged , , , ,

Nintendo Download… Kirby: Planet Robobot, Wario: Master of Disguise, more


This week’s Nintendo Download is all about battling aliens in a giant mech suit, battling TV monsters with a shape-shifting wand, and going on a grand old fantasy adventure.

Kirby: Planet Robobot will be available to download for the 3DS tomorrow, and it takes Kirby to some strange new places. If you can believe it, Nintendo’s pink puffball is going up against an alien invasion. But don’t worry, he’s stolen a mech suit and is ready to punch those aliens in the face with a pneumatically-powered fist!

Jumping over to the Wii U eShop, we can catch up with one of Wario’s older adventures this week through the Virtual Console. Wario: Master of Disguise was originally released for the DS in 2007, and it’s a side-scrolling platformer where Mario’s on-again/off-again nemesis steals a shape-shifting wand and uses it to battle monsters in his TV. That Wario, he gets around.

Finally this week, the fantasy adventure The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 is now available to download for the Wii U. Filled with the franchise’s “trademark humor that lovingly spoofs your favorite fantasy worlds,” The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 should certainly please adventure game fans.

More information on all of these games (and a few other new releases) can be found after the break. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, News, Wii U | Tagged

New Retail Releases: Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Kirby Planet Robobot, Odin Sphere HD, More


You’ve gotta have Faith in this week’s new retail releases, because the star of Mirror’s Edge is back.

Eight years after her first adventure, Faith is back in Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, a prequel/reboot for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Players will return to the city of Glass and use their first-person freerunning skills to climb skyscrapers and battle the oppressive government.

Another underdog is back on store shelves this week as Nintendo plans to release Kirby: Planet Robobot for the 3DS. Standing up to an alien invasion, Kirby will pilot a battle mech and blast his way through dozens of stages to take back Dream Land.

Also this week, Atlus and Vanillaware have teamed up to produce Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, an HD remake of 2007’s Odin Sphere, for the PS4, PS3, and Vita. The side-scrolling action RPG includes five playable characters and a unique take on Norse mythology.

Finally this week, Koei Tecmo will release Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book, the 17th game in the Atelier series of RPGs, for the PS4, and Arc System Works will launch Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator, the latest game in the 2D fighting series, for the PS4 and PS3.

A few other games will also make their way onto store shelves this week, and you can find the complete list after the break. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, News, PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One | Tagged , ,

Yacht Club reveals a short snippet from Shovel Knight’s King Knight add-on


Yacht Club Games launched the beefy “Plague of Shadows” expansion for Shovel Knight late last year, but they’re not done updating their 2013 debut. The developer is also in the midst of creating add-on campaigns for King Knight and Specter Knight, and the current plan is to release both by the end of the year.

There’s still no ETA on when the King Knight or Specter Knight campaigns will be completed, but Yacht Club recently released this quick glimpse at King Knight in action:

I love the regal flourishes that have been added to the status bar.

Posted in 3DS, Mobile, News, PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One | Tagged ,