Most Recent: Xbox One

Gameplay Trailer for Nightwolf’s Mortal Kombat 11 debut (on August 13) is here

Mortal Kombat fans are decidedly mixed on most of the new fighters that were introduced in Mortal Kombat 3. But Nightwolf has managed to become something of a fan favorite over the years, and according to NetherRealm Studios, his addition to Mortal Kombat 11 is right around the corner.

The developer dropped a new Gameplay Trailer for the Matoka warrior today, and it gives players a closer look at his arsenal of weaponry, as well as his mastery of lightning and a trio of spirit animals:

Born as Grey Cloud, Nightwolf is a proud and fierce warrior dedicated to the cause of good and chosen by the Great Spirit to become the Matoka tribe’s champion and protector.

Kombat Pack owners on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One will be able to download Nightwolf beginning on August 13. All other Mortal Kombat 11 players will get their chance to select the fighter a week later as a standalone purchase for $5.99.

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EA still plans to release Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 and a new Need For Speed game later this year

Back in February of this year, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson said that the publisher planned to launch Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 and a new Need For Speed game in 2019. And with Summer rapidly coming to an end, the executive made an appearance at Electronic Arts’s quarterly financial presentation yesterday to reconfirm that both games are still on track.

According to Wilson, the currently-untitled Need For Speed game will definitely make its public debut at next month’s Gamescom convention in Germany, and Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 shouldn’t be too far behind:

We’ll take the wraps off our new Need For Speed game heading into Gamescom in a few weeks. We have a Plants Vs Zombies shooter title coming to console and PC later this year.

Gamescom will throw open its doors on August 20, so we’ll likely learn more about Need For Speed 2019 and Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 then.

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Zombieland: Double Tap – Road Trip is a twin-stick shooter coming this October

It took ten long years for a Zombieland sequel to finally make its way to theaters, but fans of the franchise will be able to double up on the further adventures of Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita, and Little Rock in Zombieland: Double Tap – Road Trip, an upcoming interquel from GameMill Entertainment and High Voltage Software that picks up right where the first movie ends.

Road Trip will follow the film’s foursome as they romp across the remains of the United States in a top-down twin-stick shooter. In addition to a cooperatively-inclined four-player Campaign Mode, players will also be able to partake in a wave-based Horde Mode and ongoing Daily and Weekly Challenges:

Zombieland: Double Tap – Road Trip is the wild, twin-stick cooperative shooter that tells the story of how the characters you love found their way from Pacific Playland at the end of Zombieland to the start of the sequel. With mayhem, irreverence, and more gore than the ESRB recommends you witness, we’re bringing you an untold chapter in the lives of our heroes. Take the role of one of the classic four heroes, or even one of the new faces, and combat an endless horde of over-the-top zombies!

Zombieland: Double Tap – Road Trip is currently in development for the PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. It’ll launch on October 15, just three days before Zombieland: Double Tap arrives in theaters.

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Doom, Doom II, and Doom 3 now available for PS4, Switch, and Xbox One

Well this is a nice surprise.

Bethesda kicked off this year’s QuakeCon by announcing that Doom (1993), Doom II: Hell On Earth, and Doom 3 are all now available to download for the PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. Mobile players can also now download the first two games in the series through the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store for the first time.

Doom (1993) and Doom II: Hell On Earth will feature splitscreen deathmatch and co-op on consoles, while all three games will come complete with their expansion packs on all platforms:

Doom (1993)
First released in 1993, Doom introduced millions of gamers to the fast-paced, white-knuckle, demon-slaying action the franchise is known for. The game also includes the expansion, Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed, and the console versions will allow players to duke it out in split-screen four-player deathmatch, as well as split-screen co-op.

Doom II: Hell On Earth
This beloved sequel to the groundbreaking Doom gave players the brutal Super Shotgun to bear against deadlier demons, and the infamous boss, the Icon of Sin. The re-release of Doom II includes The Master Levels for Doom II, and the console versions will allow users to play split-screen four-player deathmatch, as well as split-screen co-op.

Doom 3
In this critically acclaimed action-horror re-telling of the original Doom, players must battle their way through a demon-infested facility before entering the abyss to battle Hell’s mightiest warrior… and put an end to the invasion. Doom 3 also includes the Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Missions expansion packs.

Fingers crossed that Doom 64 is next up for a re-release, but it’s complicated development history means I’m not getting my hopes up.

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Super Mario Maker 2 builds its way to the top of June 2019’s list of best-selling games

It was only available on store shelves for a handful days during the month, but Nintendo’s Super Mario Maker 2 has been crowned the best-selling game of June 2019 by The NPD Group.

According to the analyst firm’s rankings (as posted by NPD’s Mat Piscatella on Twitter), Super Mario Maker 2 fended off a challenge by fellow new release Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled (which took the #2 spot) to come out on top, as well as surging sales from Mortal Kombat 11 (#3), Grand Theft Auto V (#4), and Minecraft (#5). No other new release managed to break into the Top 20, but more mainstays filled out the rest of the list, including Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (#6), Mario Kart 8 (#9), Red Dead Redemption 2 (#12), and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (#13).

However, without a robust new release slate, overall sales for the gaming industry dropped slightly in June 2019 versus a year ago. According to NPD, total sales of hardware, software, and accessories reached $959 million last month, a 13% decline from June 2018.

Unsurprisingly, the Switch was the best-selling hardware platform last month, and that’s unlikely to change throughout the year as the launch of the Switch Lite approaches and as gamers continue to save their pennies for the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett.

You can find a full list of best-selling games from June 2019 after the break. (more…)

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Doom: Annihilation will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on October 1

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has announced they’ll release Doom: Annihilation on Blu-ray and DVD on October 1… just in time for the spooky season.

Doom: Annihilation is a Direct-To-Video reboot for the film franchise, and it won’t have any connection to 2005’s Doom (which, believe it or not, starred The Rock before he became one of the biggest movie stars in the world). Nor is it based on id Software’s excellent Doom 2016 or it’s upcoming sequel, Doom Eternal. However, it is rated R (for “bloody violence and language throughout”), and it has portals to Hell, a bunch of nasty demons, and a platoon of space marines to serve as gory cannon fodder:

Based on the popular original video game, Doom: Annihilation is an explosive, terrifying thrill ride. On the darkest moon of Mars, scientists have found an ancient portal which allows teleportation throughout the universe. Considered to be mankind’s greatest discovery, it’s actually a gateway from Hell, unleashing a swarm of demons looking to steal the souls of everyone who gets in their way. It’s up to Lieutenant Joan Dark and an elite unit of Marines to destroy an ever-growing horde of bloodsucking and soul-stealing beasts and prevent them from taking over planet Earth.

Doom: Annihilation probably won’t be a cinematic masterpiece, but there’s surely worse ways to fill time on a dreary October day.

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Activision will reveal Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s “Multiplayer Universe” on August 1

Activision and Infinity Ward have announced that fans will get their first glimpse at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s brand new “Multiplayer Universe” on August 1. Fans are encouraged to tune in to Call of Duty’s official Twitch channel for the full reveal:

As players enlist in the heart-racing Modern Warfare story, multiplayer continues the experience as players head online into the ultimate playground for the global balance of power. Featuring unified progression across modes, Modern Warfare seeks to unite the community with plans to support cross-play across platforms and the removal of the traditional season pass in order to deliver a greater mix of more free maps, content, and community events post-launch.

In the meantime, the publisher has unveiled one piece of Modern Warfare’s new online muliplayer experience, the 2v2 Gunfight Mode, on their Activision Games Blog. Gunfight is a made scramble that features 40-second rounds which take place on a series of “custom-made [and] confined” maps. A duo is victorious after securing six wins, and Activision has described the mode as very similar to “a fighting game with armaments and set in the Call of Duty universe.”

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be released for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One on October 25.

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Blazing Chrome’s Launch Trailer includes one last blast of the game’s Contra-inspired visuals

The Arcade Crew and JoyMasher have finally put all the finishing touches on Blazing Chrome, and the two companies launched the side-scrolling shooter for the PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One earlier today. They also delivered a retro-tastic Launch Trailer for the game, which was inspired by Contra and Metal Slug, that includes a very era-appropriate live-action intro:

The Arcade Crew has released a fittingly retro gameplay trailer celebrating humanity’s uprising to properly introduce the resistance’s two leading warriors; Marva, a resilient soldier who’s here to chew bubblegum while kicking ass, and Doyle, a robot who’s had a deadly change of heart.

With a varied arsenal of distinctive weapons, badass pilotable mechs and vehicles, and unlockable characters to help curb the AI army’s ruthless oppression, Blazing Chrome plays the way you remember classic action games feeling. JoyMasher’s modern refinements to that satisfying shoot-em-up playstyle will make scrapping hordes of mechanized foes and skyscraper-sized bosses feel as comfortable as getting back on that hoverbike you haven’t rode in years.

Blazing Chrome is now available to download, but it’ll also be available this Fall as a physical release from Limited Run Games for the PS4 and Switch.

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