All Articles: Call of Duty: Black Ops

CoD Black Ops Rezurrection trailer investigates the undead in space

The Call of Duty Zombie Lab has been perfecting ways to kill zombies since 1943 and now the red undead menace has appeared on the moon. So naturally, that requires new (and creative) ways to kill the flesh eaters.

Thankfully, we get a hilarious look at those creative killing implements in the awesome live action intro to “Zombie Authority,” the first Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection trailer. It’s too bad they don’t know how to spell “Resurrection” though.

The Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection pack will be available to download from Xbox Live on August 23 with PC and PS3 downloads coming next month.

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NCAA Football 12 is the valedictorian of July’s NPD chart

The NPD Group has revealed the top ten bestselling games for the month of July and NCAA Football 12 jumped to the head of the class. None of the rest of the month’s new releases managed to crack the list (including the awesome Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon or the alluring Catherine). Even the heavily-hyped Duke Nukem Forever was unable to maintain its place in the top ten.

With few new releases, only 17 titles were released during the month, gamers spent their money on other things in July. According to The NPD Group’s Anita Frazier, July was the “lowest month [for game sales] since October 2006.”

Maybe that’ll show publishers that the gaming community is pretty desperate for new games in the Summer. So maybe they shouldn’t backload every worthwhile game into the September-November period. In the meantime, check out the full top ten after the break. (more…)

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Filmmaker Ridley Scott working on Call of Duty Elite

Ridley Scott – most famous in my eyes for directing 1979’s Alien – will be working on the Call of Duty Elite episodic content. The CEO of Activision, Eric Hirschberg, revealed this today at the 13th Annual Pacific Crest Global Technology Leadership Forum. He also mentioned that Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, Ben Silverman, and Tony Scott will be involved.

Hirschberg said Activision is creating “exclusive episodic entertainment built just for the Call of Duty community… Just like any other passion that people spend a lot of their free time doing, Call of Duty players share a common language and a common experience, and we think we can create some entertainment content that they will love and talk about and share.”

Language? What is he talking about? Pfft. Well, I’m heading out to get some marshmallows to roast over the camping n00bs in CoDBlOps.

Call of Duty Elite is currently in beta for the Xbox 360. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be out on November 8 for all platforms.

[Source: USA Today]

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CoD Black Ops Resurrection Pack coming August 23

Activision has revealed that the fourth (and likely final) Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack will be available for the Xbox 360 on August 23. The pack will be known as “Resurrection” (or possibly “Rezurrection”) and, as you may have guessed, will focus heavily on everyone’s favorite brain eaters.

The Resurrection Map Pack will resurrect the four Call of Duty: World at War Zombies Mode maps (“Nacht der Untoten,” “Verruckt,” “Shi No Numa” and “Der Riese”) in Black Ops. If you recall, these maps were included in the Hardened and Prestige editions of the game as a bonus download. So to sweeten the pot, Activision is including a fifth map, “Moon,” along with a 20-song soundtrack and an Xbox 360 theme. And yes, “Moon” features zommmmbbbbiieeeesssss innnnnnn spaaaaacccceeeee.

Like all other CODBLOPS packs, Resurrection will be available to download for 1200 Microsoft Points ($15), but Hardened and Prestige edition owners will receive the fifth map for free.

Oh, and if history is any guide, Resurrection will be coming to the PC and PS3 a month later on September 23.

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CoD Black Ops Annihilation map pack now available on PC, PS3

All you Call of Duty: Black Ops players on the PC and PS3 won’t have to wait any longer, the Annihilation Map Pack is now available to download.

In case you missed it, the pack includes four new multiplayer maps: “Hangar 18” (located within Area 51), “Drive-In” (a 60s American Drive-In theater), “Silo” (a massive secret Soviet nuclear missile site) and “Hazard” (a coastal golf course on the cliff sides of Cuba). A new Zombies Mode map, “Shangri-La,” resurrects everyone’s favorite undead monsters in an island paradise.

“Annihilation delivers four of the best Black Ops multiplayer maps, and a mind blowing new Zombies experience with Shangri La,” said Treyarch Studio Head, Mark Lamia. “With Annihilation, fans are really going to have a lot of fun continuing to play Black Ops online for a long time to come.”

The Annihilation Map Pack will be available to download for $14.99.

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Call of Duty Elite beta begins

Activision has announced that the Call of Duty Elite beta has begun and a “limited number” of invitations have been sent out.

Call of Duty Elite is the publisher’s new community service for the Call of Duty franchise and it’ll officially launch on November 8 alongside Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. For now, Xbox 360-owning Call of Duty: Black Ops players will serve as guinea pigs during the beta test. Naturally, the service will expand to PC and PS3 owners after the official launch.

The Call of Duty Elite beta will test select features such as “stat tracking, the use of custom player groups, competitive events and video sharing.” The final beta, which Activision calls “a major upgrade,” will feature extensive clan support, a mobile/web app and video content created by top Hollywood talent.

“Call of Duty Elite is all about connecting our amazing fans around the globe in ways never before possible and we are excited to get their feedback so they can help us further develop, tune and test the service, as we head into our launch in November with Modern Warfare 3,” says Chacko Sonny, Studio Head, Beachhead Studio.

Activision will continue to release more Call of Duty Elite beta invites in the coming weeks.

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Duke Nukem Forever takes a number two on June bestseller list

Duke Nukem Forever gives players the option to fish a turd out of the toilet bowl and smear it all over the walls of the game world. So it seems rather fitting that Duke’s latest adventure has landed in the #2 spot in The NPD Group’s list of bestselling games for the month of June. The Mighty Duke was toppled by Rockstar’s L.A. Noire; the detective yarn is celebrating its second straight month at the top after it lead the May NPD report as well.

A trio of other June releases also earned their way into the top ten. Sony’s InFamous 2 took the #3 spot, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D hookshotted its way into #5 and Cars 2 stopped for gas at #9.

You can find the full top ten after the break. (more…)

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CoD Black Ops Annilihation Pack coming to PC, PS3 on July 28

Activision has announced that the Call of Duty: Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack will be available for the PC and PS3 on July 28, exactly a month after its Xbox Live launch.

“With Annihilation, the team at Treyarch and Activision has shown its continued commitment to bringing new and unique content to our fans,” said Treyarch Studio Head, Mark Lamia. “Players are getting four of the best multiplayer maps to date with Hangar 18, Drive-In, Silo and Hazard. They also get a brand new dose of thrills in Shangri-La, our latest Zombies offering, packed with deadly traps and dark secrets buried within the shifting walls of an ancient and mysterious temple.”

As with the Xbox 360 release, the Annihilation Map Pack has been priced at $14.99 on the PC and PS3.

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