All Articles: Catherine

Catherine: Full Body Review – Not Everything Improves With Age

Catherine: Full Body is a remaster of 2011’s Catherine, a bizarre and somewhat infuriatingly difficult game that I reviewed back then.

The remaster introduces a new character, Rin, and calls this new storyline a “love square” instead of the original game’s “love triangle” between Vincent, Katherine, and Catherine. It also adds in some different mechanics to the block puzzles. But is all of this enough to warrant a full remaster of the game – other than to introduce it to a new generation of potential fans? (more…)

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Sega will bring “An All-New AAA Game” to Gamescom 2019

As usual, Sega will have a large presence at this year’s Gamescom convention in Germany, and that includes the promise of the public debut for an “All-New AAA Game.”

As far as announced titles go, Sega will also bring the console edition of Two Point Hospital to Gamescom, alongside a demo for Catherine: Full Body, and a massive Sega Genesis Mini installation:

Sega/Atlus will showcase the beautifully remastered update of the cult classic RPG/puzzle game, Catherine: Full Body (Launches 3 September 2019). Players will get the chance to try the demo which contains cutscenes that provide context to the title’s complex and nuanced narrative. Plus, there will be a playable segment from early in the game, which showcases several gameplay features; such as a variety of puzzles, character interaction/development and more.

Sharing the spotlight is the critically acclaimed Two Point Hospital on PS4, Xbox One, and Switch, developed by Two Point Studios. It’s the ultimate management sim where you play the role of hospital administrator who must build, cure, and improve in an ever-changing and atypical healthcare environment. Visitors to the stand will be the first in the world to experience Two Point Hospital on consoles by completing the first chapter.

Are you ready for a blast from the past? The long-awaited Sega Genesis Mini, coming to stores [19 September 2019 in North America], will be available to visitors of the stand and all 42 games will be playable using a GIANT, fully functioning Sega Genesis controller! The nostalgic console includes some of the most popular games released by Sega including the much-loved Sonic The Hedgehog and the iconic Streets of Rage series. Other glorious titles included in the Sega Genesis Mini include Darius, Road Rash II, Virtua Fighter 2, Ghouls and Ghosts, Strider, Kid Chameleon, and many more.

The 2019 edition of Gamescom will open its doors on Tuesday, August 20, and run through Saturday, August 24.

Posted in News, PS4, Retro, Switch, Xbox One | Tagged ,

Atlus and Sega snuck Catherine onto Steam earlier today

Atlus and Sega have announced that Catherine, a wild puzzle platformer originally released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011, is now available to download for the PC through Steam. Known as Catherine Classic on the PC, the game will now feature 4K visuals, an unlocked framerate, customizable keyboard and mouse controls, and a Japanese voiceover option.

A trailer for Catherine’s PC debut has been embedded above, and you can get a small taste of its delightfully demented story right here:

Explore the pleasures and horrors of love as Vincent, a man with a hard choice to make: marry his long-time girlfriend Katherine or move on to the incredible blonde he just woke up next to — named Catherine! But beware! Make the wrong choice, and you could end up dead. Delving into themes of free will and the delicate nature of relationships and the choices we make, this action-adventure-puzzle game is an experience unlike anything else.

And in case you missed it, be on the lookout for Catherine: Full Body, a full remake of Catherine that Atlus plans to release for the PS4 sometime this year.

Posted in News, PC | Tagged

Atlus will bring Catherine to new platforms as Catherine: Full Body

The puzzling Catherine beguiled Atlus’s biggest fans back in 2011. It’s wild combination of relationship building, puzzle solving, and terrifying imagery made it an instant classic. But players who missed it the first time around will get a second chance, as the publisher has announced plans to release an enhanced and expanded version of the game known as Catherine: Full Body.

This remake will further complicate Vincent’s love life with the introduction of an entirely new character named Rin. New puzzle sections connected to Rin will be included, as well as new storyline elements for both Catherine and Katherine.

Atlus will release Catherine: Full Body in Japan “next Winter” for the PS4 and Vita. The publisher has already confirmed an American/European launch will happen, but they declined to say which platforms it’ll be available for or when it’ll be released.

In the meantime, you can view the first Japanese trailer for Catherine: Full Body, which is available after the break. (more…)

Posted in News, PS4, Vita | Tagged

PSN Today: Simpsons Arcade, Gotham City Impostors, Jak & Daxter Collection, More

Sony has pulled out another of their patented “kitchen sink” updates of the PlayStation Store. This week sees the release of three major PSN games (the long-awaited Simpsons Arcade Game, hitman game Shank 2, and multiplayer shooter Gotham City Impostors) as well as all three games from the Jak and Daxter Collection.

Speaking of the Jak and Daxter Collection, the complete package is available from the Full PS3 Games section as well as the sexually charged Catherine, tennis sim Top Spin 4, and the bricktastic Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.

Rounding out the new releases is the PS2 Classic SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie. And don’t forget that The Simpsons Arcade Game is free to PlayStation Plus subscribers (as well as Final Fantasy V). Oh, and the first episode of “The Tester” season three is now available.

Yup, kitchen sink time. You can find out more about all these new releases after the break. And for a complete listing of all of this week’s new game add-ons, head over to the PlayStation Blog. (more…)

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The Golden Pixel Awards 2011: Gaming’s Best, Worst, and Everything Else

Welcome to Warp Zoned’s first ever Golden Pixel Awards. Sit back and relax as we reward the best (and worst) games of 2011 with accolades based on their rather unique accomplishments.

The Apocalypse List

The bombs have fallen, the zombies have horded, food is scarce, and you’ve boarded yourself up in a bunker that’ll stand for a hundred years. What better way to spend your time in “The Vault” than by playing Warp Zoned’s favorite games from 2011? It doesn’t matter if you call it a “Top Ten List” or “Our Favorites From 2011,” but these are the games we plan to keep playing even if there was no game industry to keep making games. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, Etcetera, Features, PC, PS3, Top Story, Wii, Xbox 360 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Catherine sells 200K copies in first week, sets Atlus record

Steamy video game Catherine sold a staggering 200,000 copies in its first week of release, setting an Atlus record. How did Atlus celebrate? With a cake, of course.

Atlus’ VP of Sales and Marketing, Tim Pivnicny, told IGN: “Catherine has exceeded our highest expectations. It released last week to tremendous critical acclaim and fan response, bolstered by the release of a demo a couple weeks prior, and continues to generate discussion among fans for its mature themes, engrossing subject matter, and frantic, challenging gameplay. It is fitting, then, that Catherine can boast the largest launch in the 20-year history of Atlus, and continues to see strong sales at retail.”

We thought Catherine was pretty good. In fact, I am wearing Vincent’s boxers as I type this.

Posted in News, PS3, Xbox 360 | Tagged

Catherine Review: Do Cheaters Dream of Neurotic Sheep?

Catherine is the latest game from the twisted minds over at Atlus, who are responsible for the Persona series as well as a plethora of other bizarre games. An amalgam of strange and uniquely Japanese concepts and story twists, I assumed Catherine would either go down in the history books as a revolutionary game, or fall short and be simply categorized as weird. It turns out to be more of the latter than the former, but still has many redeeming qualities – and compelling reasons to play. (more…)

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