All Articles: Crysis 2
Crysis 2 demo, Hard Corps: Uprising, Parasite Eve on PlayStation Store this week
A PlayStation.Blog weekly feature, “The Drop,” has given us a sneak peek at what games will be available to download tomorrow from the PlayStation Store.
While not a full game, the biggest addition to this week’s PSN update is the PS3 version of the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo. Another huge demo available this week is Mortal Kombat. The sample was made available to download for PlayStation Plus users last week, but now every PS3 owner will have a chance to test out the Mature-rated fighter. Finally, a demo of the minigame crossover PlayStation Move Heroes is also in the works for the Tuesday update.
If you’re more interested in full games, you can find three in this week’s PSN update. PS3 owners will be able to download the Contra prequel Hard Corps: Uprising along with the “building and brawling mash up” Slam Bolt Scrappers. And PSone Classics collectors will be thrilled to learn that Parasite Eve will be added to the service this week ahead of The 3rd Birthday‘s March 29 release.
And speaking of PSP games, this week’s PlayStation Store update sees the release of five of them: Shooter Gods Eater Burst, RPG Jikandia: The Timeless Land, sports sim Major League Baseball 2K11, puzzle racer Vertigo and the fighting game Dissidia 012 Prologus: Final Fantasy.
Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo out today on PC, back on 360, PS3 long forgotten
The multiplayer demo for Crysis 2 that launched a few weeks ago on Xbox Live is back, and this time the invasion has spread to PCs as well. You can download the demo for Windows here. In addition to the Skyline map, this version includes Pier
1 Imports 17, with the same two modes of Team Deathmatch Instant Action and Crash Site. Unfortunately there’s still no confirmation of the demo heading to the PS3 anytime soon, which is disappointing for many. Either Crytek is stuck in the 2007-thinking that only the 360 crowd likes shooters, or they’re scared to compete with another outstanding multiplayer offering.
In any case, it would be nice for a PSN demo to hit before the March 22 release date. Crysis 2 was a recurring game on Warp Zoned’s inaugural The Next Level as we looked ahead to the games of March 2011.
Crytek considers resurrecting TimeSplitters 4
Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli recently sat down with CVG to talk about the developer’s working relationship with Crytek UK, which was formerly known as Free Radical Design.
If you’ll recall, before Crytek acquired Free Radical, the company was hard at work on TimeSplitters 4, a new entry in their wild first person shooter series. After the purchase, Crytek put TimeSplitters 4 on hold, renamed the company and set them to work on the multiplayer portion of Crysis 2.
But TimeSplitters 4 may yet live as Yerli told CVG, “Yeah, we have been discussing [TimeSplitters 4], but nothing has been confirmed yet, so let’s see after Crysis 2.”
It’s not confirmation, but it’s definitely a very good sign.
Crysis 2 multiplayer demo coming next week on Xbox Live
Starting January 25th, Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be able to take part in the multiplayer demo of Crytek’s latest game, Crysis 2. The demo will feature the “Skyline” map and the modes “Team Instant Action” (re: our super accessible team deathmatch you will not get overwhelmed by!!!) and the more tactical “Crash Site.” The first mode is what you’d expect of normal team deathmatch while the latter has two teams scrambling to find and acquire alien drop pods.
The full game will come with six game modes and twelve maps, all developed by Crytek’s dedicated multiplayer team, Crytek UK. Fans following the studio will know that Crytek UK is the company’s re-branding of Free Radical, developers of Time Splitters, formed by senior members of the original team at Rare who worked on Goldeneye 64 and the first Perfect Dark. Hopefully some of that multiplayer magic will carry over into Crysis 2.