All Articles: DC Universe Online

Xbox Store Today: DC Universe Online, Paranautical Activity, JumpJet Rex

Three new Xbox One games are now available to download through the Xbox Games Store, and they’re all pretty different…

DC Universe Online is a free-to-play MMO set within the DC Universe. Available on the PC and PS3/PS4 for a few years, players will choose a Hero or Villain in DC Universe Online and fight alongside (or against) some of the biggest names in comics.

Paranautical Activity is a first person shooter that combines the classic style of Doom and Quake with the roguelike randomness of The Binding of Isaac and Spelunky. Players of Paranautical Activity will get to experience “procedurally generated levels, impossibly fast gameplay, hidden levels, […] ridiculous bosses‏, and a kick ass Dubstep soundtrack.”

Finally, JumpJet Rex straps jump boots on a T-Rex and asks him to go nuts in a side-scrolling platformer. OK, I get it, but shouldn’t a T-Rex opt for cybernetic arm enhancements? His legs are probably already pretty powerful, but T-Rex arms will always be pretty useless. Perhaps I’ve put too much thought into this…

More information on all of these games can be found after the break. (more…)

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DC Universe Online and PlanetSide 2 announced as free-to-play PS4 titles


With E3 only days away, game companies are building up momentum to their main expo events with some big announcements. Keen to push their new PlayStation 4 console, Sony has announced not one, but two, free-to-play titles that will hit the console this year.

The first is MMO DC Universe Online, which seems fitting as it was the first MMO available for the PS4’s predecessor, the PS3. Speaking about the PS3 version, Laura Naviaux, Senior VP for Sony Online Entertainment’s Global Sales and Marketing Division, said, “Its thriving community is proof that we can create an exciting and robust console experience for players.”

The second title is the MMO FPS PlanetSide 2, which up until now was only available on PC. Its announcement once again confirms the PS4’s architecture being closely aligned with the PC market. Naviaux commented that “players have been asking for PlanetSide 2 to be playable on consoles, and PS4 is the ideal platform to showcase the game’s beauty, depth and frenetic open world combat.”

Naviaux’s boss, Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley, expanded on her comments: “Since the launch of the original EverQuest, we have pioneered major shifts in the development of MMOs and videogames as a whole, and now we’re bringing our titles to the forefront of next-gen gaming. Players are evolving and want a variety of ways to access and play games. Our goal is to deliver epic gaming experiences that players crave while harnessing the awesome power and technology of this incredible new platform. We are thrilled to bring two of our most popular free-to-play games to PS4.”

E3 2013 trailers for both games can be found after the break. (more…)

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Hydrophobia Prophecy, DC Universe Online Free-To-Play added to PS Store

Did you pick up Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception today? If not, Sony has pushed another massive update onto the PlayStation Store and there’s surely something you find interesting.

This week’s big new release is Hydrophobia Prophecy, Dark Energy Digital’s water-logged survival horror game. It’s already made the rounds of the Xbox Live Arcade and Steam (in multiple different versions) and the “Prophecy” update is said to be the most complete version of the game yet. It’s available to download for $9.99 or, if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, it’s free. Good deal!

This week also marks the beginning of DC Universe Online‘s Free-To-Play stage. The MMO is now, you guessed it, free to download and play. However, paid expansions will still be released including today’s “Fight For the Light” DLC pack.

Also available this week is Pinballistik, a pinball sim; Max & the Magic Marker: Gold Edition, an award-winning puzzle platformer; and a downloadable version of crossover fighting game Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. Finally, a trio of new PS2 Classics were added to the store including space shooter Raiden III, half-vampire action game BloodRayne, and farming sim Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland.

PSP owners will be able to download one new game this week as well, a dungeon-crawling RPG from Atlus titled Fate: Extra. Apparently it’s based on a somewhat popular visual novel/anime.

More details on all of this week’s new releases and game add-ons can be found at the PlayStation.Blog.

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Sony evaluating “goodwill gesture” for PSN users

With the PlayStation Network still down and seemingly no end in sight, Sony has begun to investigate ways they can say “We’re sorry!” to gamers.

The latest update on the PlayStation.Blog confirms that user’s download history, friends list, settings, Trophies and PlayStation Plus cloud saves will be unaffected by the network outage.

The update also revealed that Sony wants to provide a goodwill gesture to gamers for their patience in dealing with the PSN outage and while they’re not ready to announce what it is just yet, the company is currently evaluating several different options. Though they did say that DC Universe Online and Free Realms players would receive some kind of compensation for the downtime as part of Sony’s “make good” plan.

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The Agency canceled; SOE reconfirms EverQuest 3, PlanetSide 2

Sony Online Entertainment has announced has they’ve laid off over 200 employees at studios in Denver, Tuscon and Seattle. Due to these cutbacks, the publisher has also confirmed the cancellation of The Agency, the long-in-development espionage MMO that was planned for the PC and PS3.

In a public statement, SOE said these layoffs would not effect current games like the recently released DC Universe Online. They also reiterated that EverQuest 3 and PlanetSide 2 are still in development.

Posted in News, PC, PS3 | Tagged ,

Ghostbusters, PlayStation Move Heroes answer the call on PlayStation Store

Welcome to one of the biggest PlayStation Store updates ever!

It’s possible you’re too busy playing the newly released SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals beta to notice, but Sony added seven games to the store yesterday and another two to the PSP store. But first things first, the Spring Fever 2011 sale continues this week with discounts on Tetris (now $4.99, regular price $9.99) and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (now $9.99, regular price $19.99).

As for the new releases, check ’em out:

  • Ghostbusters: Sanctum Of Slime – A top-down twin-stick shooter starring the Ghostbusters and this week’s “spotlight update” to boot.
  • Swarm – An action platformer from HotHead Games.
  • Battle: Los Angeles – A first person shooter based on the hugely popular new movie.
  • Premier Manager – A front office simulation of Europe’s numbe one soccer league.
  • DC Universe Online – The superhero MMO is now downloadable.
  • PlayStation Move Heroes – Everyone’s favorite Sony mascots (except for Kratos) go head-to-head-to-head in this Move-powered crossover.
  • Legend of Mana – It’s not as cool as Secret of Mana, but it’s definitely a PSone Classic.

As I said, the PSP store also received two updates: Hoard, a dragon-powered “action strategy” title; and the increasingly illnamed Dissidia 012 [duodecim]: Final Fantasy.

Hit the jump for more details on all of this week’s releases or visit the PlayStation.Blog for a full rundown of all the new game add-ons. (more…)

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New Releases: Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, DC Universe Online, Ghost Trick, More

Do you love RPGs? If you said yes, then you’ll definitely want to head to your favorite retailer this week.

On the DS, Square Enix plans to release the latest entry in the Kingdom Hearts series, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. And over on the PS3, Sony’s MMORPG DC Universe Online will cross over into stores (its coming to the PC as well).

Also available this week is Venetica (PS3, Xbox 360), an RPG where the Grim Reaper’s daughter hunts down a necromancer. And finally, there’s Prinny 2, the latest Disgaea spin-off from Atlus.

If RPGs aren’t your thing, Capcom will be releasing the latest game from the Phoenix Wright team, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective on the DS

The full list of the rest of this week’s new releases can be found below. (more…)

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