All Articles: Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem flings feces in latest DNF trailer

We interrupt your April Fool’s Day shenanigans to bring you the latest gameplay trailers from Duke Nukem Forever.

In the first (which you can view above), Duke drops a deuce and then decides to indulge his primate instincts by flinging that feces all around the level. Face it, this is more outrageous than most of today’s gags and it’s 100% real.

The second trailer features less feces, but much MUCH more awesome. After the break, watch Duke Nukem punch an alien’s head clean off and use his jetpack to ride the bloody torso to a beautiful three-point landing inside a building.

I bet you don’t care about the delay anymore. Duke Nukem Forever will be released on June 14 for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. (more…)

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Surprise! Duke Nukem Forever delayed again

Put away your ice skates for Hell isn’t frozen over yet. Duke Nukem Forever has been delayed again. I know, try to hold back your surprise. But don’t worry, instead of retreating to the wilds of release dates unknown, The Duke has only been delayed a month and will now land in stores on June 14 (internationally on June 10).

2K Games has tried to pass off the new release date as “The Shortest Delay in the History of Duke Nukem Forever” but Gearbox President Randy Pitchford feels your pain, as you can see in the special message from him above.

As an additional “we’re sorry,” 2K has revealed that the game’s official website, has relaunched with “Duke approved” content. In addition to screenshots, game info and the like, the site also contains “Duke’s Boobtube channel and The Duke Cave, featuring babe and alien surveillance.”

I guess that’s something.

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The Darkness II playable at PAX East; first screenshots revealed

2K Games is bringing playable demos of two of their biggest upcoming titles, The Darkness II and Duke Nukem Forever, to this weekend’s PAX East show. There’s probably not a person reading this that doesn’t have at least some idea about Duke Nukem Forever, but The Darkness II should have your attention as well.

The Darkness II introduces “Quad-Wielding,” which allows players to use their Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons. Basically, you’ll become an eviler Doctor Octopus.

You can check out a quartet of “Quad-Wielding” Darkness II screens after the break. (more…)

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Hail to Duke Nukem Forever’s Mature rating

Every game that has ever been threatened with an Adults Only rating from the ESRB is an amateur next to Duke Nukem Forever. As expected, the ESRB has awarded the game a Mature rating. And the reasons behind the rating have likely got every member of the “Won’t someone think of the children!” brigade salivating at the chance to denounce it in public.

According to the ESRB, Duke Nukem Forever was given a Mature rating for “Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol.” That mouthful is topped by the game’s Rating Summary, which reads like a laundry list of every complaint Fox News has ever lobbed against video games (and then some).

So who wants some? Hit the break to find out exactly why the ESRB gave Duke Nukem Forever a Mature rating. (more…)

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Gearbox wants to know if you worked on Duke Nukem Forever

For a game that’s been in development for so long, it’s understandable that Duke Nukem Forever would have had a lot of different people working on it over the years. As such, it’s completely feasible that a lot of them have gotten lost in the shuffle, and their contributions may not be remembered and recorded when Gearbox ships the game on May 3.

To remedy that, they’ve launched a website where you can request to be credited for working on the Duke’s latest adventures. You can first select one of seven categories: worked for a developer, worked for a publisher, contractor/agency, press with notable affiliation, community, fan, and, of course, “Other.” After that, you’re asked to submit your information along with a short statement on what you contributed to the game.

Given community, fan, and other being on there, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a lengthy section in the credits for “fans who never gave up hope.” I guess we’ll just have to see when the game releases for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 this coming May 3.

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2K drops Balls of Steel Edition for DNF on May 3rd

The most important game in the world deserves an equally important collectior’s edition. Thankfully, it looks like 2K Games plans to come through for Duke Nukem Forever with the “Balls of Steel Edition.” The $99.99 package (available exclusively at GameStop and Amazon) doesn’t have an actual pair of steel balls in it, but it does include a ton of other neat stuff:

  • Collectible bust of the greatest alien ass-kicker of all-time
  • Numbered, limited-edition certificate of authenticity
  • 100-page hardcover book:
    The History, Legacy & Legend: Duke Nukem Forever Art from the Vault
  • DNF postcard series
  • DNF radioactive emblem sticker
  • DNF collectable comic book
  • DNF foldable paper craft
  • DNF poker chips
  • DNF mini-card deck
  • DNF radioactive emblem dice

It also includes a copy of the game for the platform of your choice (PC, PS3 or Xbox 360). Or maybe Gearbox has been screwing with us this entire time and there is no game. We are talking about Duke Nukem Forever after all.

Providing they’re telling the truth, Duke Nukem Forever and his Balls of Steel will be available on May 3.

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Duke Nukem Forever finally arrives May 3, 2011

After many, many years in the making, Duke Nukem Forever finally has a concrete release date, and it will be launching on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on May 3, 2011. Gearbox revealed the story to Game Informer this morning, with its president Randy Pitchford calling it “the most inconceivable, incorrigible and inspiring turn around story in the history of the video game industry – the coming of Duke Nukem Forever on May 3, 2011.”

I got a chance to play the game at PAX Prime and it certainly is something to see. The same look and feel of Duke Nukem 3D is recreated beautifully in what is probably one of the best HD re-imaginings of a series I have ever seen. Long story short: give this game a shot.

And if that doesn’t convince you, what about this excellent reveal trailer posted late last night by Gearbox Software? It’s got everything, including pixelated alien breasts (causing Duke to claim “I’d still hit it!”): (more…)

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Duke Nukem Forever in EGM’s February issue

Electronic Gaming Monthly’s February issue exists to let fans of Duke Nukem Forever know that more information is coming in late January or early February. What’s with the gaming industry making announcements about when they’re going to be making more announcements? In the meantime, you can satiate your lust with an interview with Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford. He also mentions that the developer’s other game, Aliens: Colonial Marines, probably won’t be released this year.

Oh yeah, and in other news, Red Dead Redemption was EGM’s GOTY. And they gave Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded a 5.0. Ouch. More details at NeoGAF.

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