All Articles: Fallout: New Vegas

New Releases: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5, NBA Live 16, Fallout Anthology, More


The father of skateboarding games returns to store shelves this week, and he’ll be joined by a new EA Sports simulation and a collected edition of one of gaming’s most famous franchises.

Tony Hawk has been a skateboarding superstar for more than 30 years, but he’s got a lot to celebrate this week as his eponymous video game series comes to the PS4 and Xbox One for the first time with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5. The game will feature ten professional skaters including Hawk’s own son, Riley. I guess that “father of skateboarding games” thing is quite literal now.

Also available this week is NBA Live 16 (PS4, Xbox One), the latest basketball simulation from EA Sports. NBA Live 16 will feature Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder on the cover along with an all-new player movement system and an “easy-to-use HD face scanning app” known as GameFaceHD, according to EA Sports.

Finally this week, Bethesda is bringing all five games in the Fallout franchise together in a special collection known as the Fallout Anthology. Available exclusively for the PC, the Fallout Anthology will include Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas. Best of all, all five games will come packed in a box shaped like an atomic bomb. Something tells me that it’ll be explosively popular.

The complete list of this week’s new releases can be found after the break. (more…)

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Extreme Fallout: New Vegas “You Only Live Once” run comes to an end

On September 7, 2014, YouTuber “Many A True Nerd” posted the first video of a Fallout: New Vegas run that he referred to as “You Only Live Once.” Yesterday, nearly a year later, the series finally came to an end.

The name of the game is simple, or rather, the rule set is simple. “Many A True Nerd” wanted to beat Fallout: New Vegas, and all of its expansions, with a single health bar. “Many A True Nerd,” real name Jon, wasn’t allowed to heal his character’s wounds or radiation once in the entire series. If he took any damage, it would be a permanent strike on his health bar. His character’s name, Please Don’t Shoot, seemed rather apt.

In the final video, Jon reminiscences about the series and how it’s helped him and his YouTube channel, which grew from 10,000 subscribers to nearly 100,000. He beat the base game in February of this year and spent the last six months completing the game’s downloadable content, starting with Honest Hearts.

Jon admitted to making several mistakes over the course of the series, including underestimating certain enemies and walking into several traps including a bear trap and tripwire rigged shotgun. But he was able to beat the first three expansions, and entered Lonesome Road with less than 100 hit points. Coming into the final battle, he had all of 23 hit points to survive, and was on the verge of getting radiation poisoning, which would have dropped him down to three hit points. After coming so far, will Jon see it through to the end? You’ll have to watch the video yourself, embedded above, to see.

As for what’s next for Many A True Nerd, he wasted no time telling us how much more difficult the next challenge will be… An “You Only Live Once” run through Fallout 3. But hven he’s convinced he won’t get far.

The game where it’s absolutely, definitely, flipping impossible. There are only about 12 weeks left until Fallout 4 […] Honestly if I can get more than 12 or 13 parts through Fallout 3 “You Only Live Once” I will have surprised myself.

He’s laughing as he says this. Granted, he and everyone else said that about New Vegas. However, Fallout 3 is a much tougher game. With no gambling to quickly make money, a limited damage resistance system, a lack of different ammo types, more random events, and Fallout 3’s heavier reliance on combat, it will be truly remarkable if he can get through ten parts, much less beat the entire game (and all its expansions).

Starting next week, we’ll all find out together. Good luck, Jon, we have faith in you… somewhat.

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Bethesda soundtracks now available on iTunes

morrowwind-soundtrackStill got leftover credit from all those iTunes gift cards you got for the holidays and don’t know what to spend them on? Well, Bethesda just made your music-purchasing decisions a whole lot easier. Starting today, you can buy the soundtracks to the following Bethesda games:

Dishonored ($9.99)

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind ($9.99)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ($9.99)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ($15.99)

Fallout 3 ($11.99)

Fallout: New Vegas ($11.99)

Rage ($9.99)

Just click on the above names and you’ll be taken right to their corresponding iTunes page. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to listen to some Fallout 3.

Posted in Etcetera, News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 | Tagged , , , ,

New Releases: Resident Evil Revelations, Kingdoms of Amalur, The Darkness II, More

Some ambitious games that have been a long time coming will be available in stores this week.

Chief among them is Resident Evil Revelations, Capcom’s second zombie-killing game for the 3DS, but the first to tell a new tale in the franchise’s lengthy saga.

Also available is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the first game from Curt Schilling’s 38 Studios. The game has been in development practically since Mr. Bloody Sock retired back in 2007. It’ll be interesting to see what his dream team of developers came up with when it releases for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 this week.

2K’s The Darkness II (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) is neither the start of a new franchise nor is it the latest entry in a long-runner. But fans have been clamoring for a sequel to the 2007 shooter and now they’ll finally get it.

If you prefer your “new” games in collected form, two new ones round this week’s major releases: the PS3-exclusive Jak and Daxter Collection (which brings together the first three games in the series) and the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (which collects the main game and all of the DLC in a PC, PS3, or Xbox 360 package).

You can check out the full list of the rest of this week’s new releases after the break. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, DS, News, PC, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 | Tagged , , , ,

Saving Benny: The Bromance of Fallout: New Vegas

Howdy Folks! This article includes spoilers for Fallout: New Vegas. There is also some swearing, partly because the game is rated Mature, and partly because the writer is Scottish. You have been warned. Have a good ‘un.

“You sick, vindictive fuck!”

These were Benny’s last words to me when I finally gave up trying to save him, opting instead to crucify him and pushed forward through the rest of Fallout: New Vegas, a brilliant yet bug-ridden game that entertained as much as it frustrated. By the bitter end, after numerous screen freezes and load errors, stuttering frame rates and other exasperating glitches, I stumbled through to the final fight, killing Legate Lanius and handing General Lee Oliver the conditions for the New California Republic’s withdrawal from New Vegas as dictated by Mr. House. All this while wearing a spacesuit helmet. I watched the epilogue narrated by the various characters I had met, but through it all, someone was missing. (more…)

Posted in Opinions, PC, PS3, Top Story, Xbox 360 | Tagged

Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition drops it like it has rad poisoning on Feb. 7

If you enjoyed wandering the arid wasteland of Fallout: New Vegas‘s Nevada desert, then you should be jumping for joy when the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition drops February 7, 2012. And it is going to drop harder than an irradiated gecko with one between the eyes.

This edition (available for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360) includes the original game as well as all of the various add-ons: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Courier’s Stash, and Gun Runner’s Arsenal. In addition to extending the wild world of New Vegas, the pack also extend’s your characters level limit to 50. Now those giant robot spiders will hardly be a match for you.

Just remember, what happens in New Vegas, stays in your bone marrow forever. But look at the bright side, at least you glow in the dark.

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Fallout: New Vegas antes up Lonesome Road DLC on September 20

Fallout: New Vegas fans who are still looking for excuses to wander the wastes might be glad to know that the fourth (and final) DLC pack, Lonesome Road, will be dropping September 20th on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, and Steam.

Lonesome Road will feature a quest in which your character is sent to the Divide, a place riddled with canyons, earthquakes, and hurricanes. The person who sends you into this brochure-worthy locale is a man named Ulysses, the original Courier Six. The Bethesda Blog says, “It’s up to you whether you take the job or not,” but if you’re already paying for the DLC, you might as well accept the quest.

If that wasn’t enough to sate your New Vegas thirst, Bethesda has also announced that two more DLC packs will be released on September 27th: Courier’s Stash and Gun Runners’ Arsenal. Both packs promise to boost your arsenal.

The Courier’s Stash bundles all of the game’s pre-order incentives (the Caravan Pack, Classic Pack, Mercenary Pack and Tribal Pack) together in order to augment your equipment while the Gun Runners’ Arsenal offers a bevy of new weapons, mods, ammo types, and recipes.

With these three DLC packs combined, you should be able to outfit your Courier well enough to make him or her the killing-est damn thing the west ever saw.

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NCAA Football 12 is the valedictorian of July’s NPD chart

The NPD Group has revealed the top ten bestselling games for the month of July and NCAA Football 12 jumped to the head of the class. None of the rest of the month’s new releases managed to crack the list (including the awesome Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon or the alluring Catherine). Even the heavily-hyped Duke Nukem Forever was unable to maintain its place in the top ten.

With few new releases, only 17 titles were released during the month, gamers spent their money on other things in July. According to The NPD Group’s Anita Frazier, July was the “lowest month [for game sales] since October 2006.”

Maybe that’ll show publishers that the gaming community is pretty desperate for new games in the Summer. So maybe they shouldn’t backload every worthwhile game into the September-November period. In the meantime, check out the full top ten after the break. (more…)

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