All Articles: Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition

Nintendo’s 8-Bit Summer continues with Kirby’s Pinball Land, Sword of Hope II

Nintendo’s 8-Bit Summer continues with the addition of two Game Boy classics to the 3DS eShop: Kirby’s Pinball Land and The Sword of Hope II.

Johnny Kung Fu, a brawler where players take on The Mr. Wang Gang, and Sweet Memories Blackjack, a blackjack sim that pits players against Japanese schoolgirls, were also added to the 3DS eShop. This week’s “Game of the Weekend” also comes from the 3DS eShop. WayForward’s Mighty Switch Force! is on sale for $2.99 all weekend long.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes four other games, including Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition, and you can read all about them after the break. (more…)

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PSN Today: NCAA Football 13, Quantum Conundrum, Game of Thrones, more

This week’s PlayStation Store update is the perfect example of “something for everyone.” At least one of the eight games added to the store this week should make you giddy with excitement. And if not, I think your giddy bone may be broken. Best get that looked at.

There’s digital download versions of NCAA Football 13, Game of Thrones, and Get Up And Dance. There’s Kim Swift’s latest puzzle platformer, Quantum Conundrum. There’s the colorful RPG, Rainbow Moon, and the colorful arcade reboot, Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition.

Finally, there’s the PS2 Classic Hannspree Ten Kate Honda: SBK Superbike World and the PSP Mini Arcade Pool.

Hit the jump for more on everything you’ll find in this week’s PlayStation Store update. (more…)

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XBLA Friday Update: Frogger Hyper Arcade Edition

Konami is giving Frogger the same neon-coated makeover that Namco Bandai has lavished on several of their classic franchises in Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition, a special Friday update to the Xbox Live Arcade.

Priced at 800 Microsoft Points ($10), Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition promises all new game modes and even a special Contra-style mode:

Frogger’s coin-op thrills are back and better than ever! Jump into the action with classic and brand-new game modes that expand on Frogger’s classic run-and-dodge gameplay. Customize your game board with different skins, from the modern neon style of HYPER ARCADE to the 8-bit sprites from Castlevania and even CONTRA! Throw down against friends or the CPU in up to 4 player matches to find out who’s really the top frog!

Posted in News, Xbox 360 | Tagged