All Articles: Killzone 3

Killzone 3 Beta Impressions: Hit Me Baby, One More Time!!!

Killzone 2‘s multiplayer confused many casual shooter fans with its weighty movement and gun handling, but offered a treasure trove of depth and strategy for players who wanted a little more from their online experiences. This time around Guerilla Games strove to make the game more accessible to the console demographic while expanding on the strength of the last iteration. Killzone 3‘s multiplayer represents a culmination of compromise and innovation, showing off the characteristic production values and quality that no other developer can really claim. (more…)

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Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack revealed, public multiplayer beta begins today

Pre-orders at participating retailers for Killzone 3 were revealed to include not only access to the multiplayer beta for SOCOM 4, but the mysterious Retro Map Pack, which was to include two fan favorite multiplayer maps from the previous game, Killzone 2. Guerilla Games finally revealed yesterday on the PlayStation Blog what those maps would be – Salamun Market (a market district in between high-rises and the winding alleyways running through them) and Blood Gracht (slums adjacent to a canal). Both maps are a little different this time, as they both take place during the day. Also, Helghan’s wild vegetation has started to overrun Blood Gracht while the mechs from the Killzone universe, now available in multiplayer, will be up for grabs on the Salamun Market map. Salamun Market was particularly great for large scale skirmishes, while Blood Gracht was arguably perfect for four-on-four matches. The map pack comes free for those who pre-ordered the game at select retailers (again, only Gamestop, Best Buy, and Amazon are listed) and will be available for purchase from the PlayStation Store.

I’m very, very surprised the maps weren’t Radec Academy and Pyrrhus Rise. Killzone 2 still has tons of servers running 24/7 Radec Academy Body Count games (re: Team Deathmatch) and Pyrrhus Rise was always the favorite for the full seven rounds of Warzone. The two maps here are pleasantly surprising and excellent choices, though, especially with the changes Guerilla introduced. Also, be sure to check the PlayStation Store at 10:00am Pacific Time (1:00pm here on the East Coast) for the public multiplayer beta of Killzone 3. You’ll also be able to win a super exclusive Limited Helghast Edition of Killzone 3 if you play this weekend from Friday to Sunday.

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Killzone 3 full Trophy list revealed

With Guerilla Games’ latest sci-fi adventure only three weeks away, and a multiplayer beta available for download tomorrow, you may be overwhelmed by the proximity of the launch of Killzone 3. Feel free to satiate your fix by checking out the full Trophy list, courtesy of the bold heroes at PS3Trophies. There’s no more crazy requirements for placing in the top x% of the weekly multiplayer leaderboards, but you do need to finish the game on Elite to get the Platinum. The rest are your run of the mill challenges for individual levels and multiplayer, but be careful of spoilers in the hidden trophies at the end of the list. I’m hoping this will be my second platinum trophy from the Killzone series.

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Killzone 3 single player and co-op demo coming February 8th (or 15th)

Okay, so you’ll be able to check out Killzone 3 multiplayer in a public beta starting February 2nd. Not a multiplayer fan? Good news, because a single player demo for the game will be released on the PlayStation Store on February 8th for PlayStation Plus subscribers in North America and a day later in Europe. Non-Plus members can download the demo a week later on February 15th in North America and, yep, a day later in Europe. The demo showcases the “Icy Incursion” mission about halfway through the campaign and will be available in 3D or 2D downloads, and the latter will allow for split-screen co-op.

With a good amount of the game releasing before its February 22, 2011 launch date, players will have plenty to experiment with in making their final decision on purchasing the game. It’s as good as got over here, but I’m just glad I’m getting a lot to satiate my hunger for the next Killzone.

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Killzone 3 public multiplayer beta opens February 2nd

If you’re a PS3 owner disgruntled by our last post’s news that the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo is coming only to Xbox 360 on January 25th, Warp Zoned has just completely turned your mood around. About a week later from February 2nd-14th, the Killzone 3 open beta will be available to everyone, not just premium subscribers. Of course, if you’re a shooter fan with both consoles then you’ll pretty much be in heaven for the next few weeks.

The open beta will feature the Frozen Dam map with all three game modes: Guerilla Warfare (another slick rebranding of classic Team Deathmatch), the return of Warzone, and Operations, Killzone 3’s new cinematic multiplayer mode where teams compete to accomplish a linear series of mini-objectives, interspersed with super-ill cutscenes. PlayStation Move support and Stereoscopic 3D are both included in the beta, although I’m not sure how you can beta test a game that’s already gone gold. In any case, expect to catch some of the Warp Zoned crew on PSN for the Killzone 3 open multiplayer beta from February 2nd-14th and after the game ships on February 22nd.

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Killzone 3 including multiplayer beta vouchers for SOCOM 4

As if getting one highly anticipated PlayStation 3 shooter wasn’t enough, new copies of Killzone 3 from select retailers will also include vouchers for the multiplayer beta of SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals.  On the pre-order site for Killzone 3, only Best Buy, GameStop, and Amazon are listed as supporting retailers, but be sure to check for box art with the SOCOM dog tags, as pictured to the left, to know if your copy has it.  The voucher will come on both standard and Helghast editions of the game, and players are encouraged to check the official SOCOM 4 site for details as soon as they pick up their copy.

2011 is looking to be the most cash-strapped year to date for PS3 owners, so it’s simultaneously nice and cruel of Sony to give us ways to check out multiple titles from one box.  Killzone 3 drops on February 22, 2011, and you can expect our very own Warp Zoned review to follow shortly, as well as yours truly losing all of his free-time on his second Killzone platinum trophy.

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Malcom McDowell joins Killzone 3, blows my brains to bits

If you plan on having an ongoing relationship with Warp Zoned, you should know I’m a die-hard fan of the Killzone series; I have the platinum trophy in Killzone 2, and had to be in the top 1% of worldwide weekly players to get it. Suffice to say, I’m utterly stunned at just how beyond epic the new story trailer is for Killzone 3. While many developers sadly use live action trailers with intensity and drama the final product never lives up to, Guerrila Games gives us an inside look at the political and military turmoil on Helghan, in the astounding visual fidelity the studio is famous for.

There seems to be a power struggle between the arms industry and the Helghast navy for control of the planet’s destiny. Malcolm McDowell voices Jorhan Stahl, CEO of Stahl Arms and Ray Winstone plays Admiral Orlock. Safe to say these guys aren’t the best of friends, and the actors have their work cut out for them in living up to Brian Cox’s performance of Scolar Visari, arguably the best portrayal of a dictator in gaming. Unfortunately Sev and Narville seem to have new voice actors, but with production values like these, it’s hard to imagine the story will be anything short of amazing.

I came.

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