All Articles: Max Payne 3

The Golden Pixel Awards 2012: Gaming’s Best, Worst, and Everything Else


Welcome to Warp Zoned’s second annual Golden Pixel Awards. It was definitely a good year for gaming. With the fight over Mass Effect 3‘s ending, the resurrection of Sleeping Dogs, and the launch of the Wii U, we were treated to 12 months of interesting stories.

So sit back and relax as we reward the best (and worst) games of 2012 with a series of accolades based on their rather unique accomplishments.

The Apocalypse List

The bombs have fallen, the economy has collapsed, food is scarce, the zombie hordes are scratching at your door, and you’ve boarded yourself up in a bunker that’ll stand for a hundred years. What better way to spend your time in “The Vault” than by playing Warp Zoned’s favorite games from 2012? It doesn’t matter if you call it a “Top Ten List” or “Our Favorites From 2012,” but these are the games we plan to keep playing even if there was no game industry to keep making games. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, DS, Etcetera, Features, Mobile, PC, PS3, Top Story, Vita, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

PSN Today: Max Payne 3, Double Dragon Neon, La Pucelle Tactics, more

There’s a lot to recommend in this week’s PlayStation Store update. The biggest new release is the downloadable version of Rockstar’s Max Payne 3, which can be purchased for a limited time for $44.99. It’s such a steal, Max Payne might arrest you… if he was still a cop…

Also available this week is the return of the Lee brothers in Double Dragon: Neon. The WayForward-developed beat ’em up is a free download for PlayStation Plus subscribers (along with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World) and a demo is available for the rest of us that want to test the waters before dropping $9.99 on the game.

It may not be of interest to many, but this week’s PS2 Classic is La Pucelle: Tactics. Nippon Ichi’s prequel to the Disgaea series hooked me hard back in 2004. If you like Strategy RPGs, give it a shot.

Hit the jump for the complete list of this week’s new downloadable games (including FIFA Street, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, and Red Johnson’s Chronicles 2) and travel over to the PlayStation Blog for a complete rundown of this week’s new game add-ons. (more…)

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Lego Batman 2 rises to the top of the June 2012 bestsellers list

With editions on seven different platforms, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes rose to the top of The NPD Group’s monthly list of bestselling games. The remainder of the list was split between new releases, May holdovers, and Fall 2011 games that are still popular.

There were only a handful of new games available in June with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (#2), Pokemon Conquest (#7), and The Amazing Spider-Man (#10) all earning spots in the top ten. Grasshopper’s Lollipop Chainsaw didn’t make the cut, continuing Suda 51’s lack of success at the register.

An astounding four games from Fall 2011 continue to sell strongly enough to make the top ten: NBA 2K12 (#5), Batman: Arkham City (#6, boosted by the newly released Game of the Year Edition), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (#8), and Battlefield 3 (#9). I’m sure it helps that all were among the best-reviewed games of last year.

As a whole, game and hardware sales are down 29% from June 2011, according to Joystiq.

A complete list of last month’s best-selling games can be found after the break. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, DS, News, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Vita, Wii, Xbox 360 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

Diablo III named best-selling game of May 2012 after collecting a ton of loot

Can you guess the best-selling game of May 2012 according to The NPD Group’s monthly calculations? Go on, guess, it’s not really a mystery… The best-selling game of May 2012 was Blizzard’s Diablo III.

Diablo III’s loot frenzy was the lone bright spot for the game industry this month as total sales were down 28% from May 2011 with console hardware taking the biggest hit (a 39% drop).

But that’s not for lack of trying. A ton of new releases broke into the top ten this month including Max Payne 3 (#2), Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (#3), Sniper Elite V2 (#7), and Dragon’s Dogma (#9). But I guess they didn’t put up the sales numbers to compete with last May’s biggest game, L.A. Noire.

The complete top ten can be found after the break. (more…)

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Max Payne 3 Review: Another One of These, and Make it Strong

So here I am, reviewing Max Payne 3, and I wonder: was it worth it? Was playing this game worth the frustration, crashes, audio bugs, and insane loading times just to get to the main screen so that I could go through more loading times to get into the game? As I sit here with my head in my hands between sentences, I wonder: How did I get here?

Wavy Lines… Wavy Lines… Wavy Lines… Wavy Lines… Wavy Lines…

(You know, those lines that tell you we’re going back in time, because I thought it would be a good idea to model my review on the opening scene of the game I’m reviewing.) (more…)

Posted in PC, PS3, Reviews, Top Story, Xbox 360 | Tagged

New Releases: Resistance Burning Skies, Max Payne 3, Batman Arkham City GOTY, More

We close out the month of May with a trio of big new releases and the re-release of one of 2011’s best games.

This week, Sony brings the fight against the Chimera to the Vita in Resistance: Burning Skies. Also this week, Rockstar brings Max Payne 3 to the PC after a successful PS3/Xbox 360 debut. Finally, NIS America will be releasing the latest Atelier game on the PS3, Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.

And that re-release is none other than Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition, which includes all of the released DLC, including “Harley Quinn’s Revenge.”

More new releases can be found after the break. (more…)

Posted in 3DS, News, PC, PS3, Vita, Xbox 360 | Tagged , ,

Redbox will only rent first disc of Max Payne 3 on Xbox 360

If you were planning on renting Max Payne 3 from your local Redbox kiosk, then The Consumerist has some bad news for you. It seems that the rental machines will only stock the first disc of the Xbox 360 version, depriving gamers of the second half of the story.

Max Payne 3 is being split across two discs on the Xbox 360 (conversely, the full game can fit on one blu-ray disc on the PS3). Disc one contains the first half of the story and the multiplayer modes. The Story Mode concludes on the second disc. And Redbox has a longstanding policy of not carrying multidisc titles. Something had to give, and that something turned out to be disc two. There’s a warning on the game’s listing in the kiosk and on the Redbox website, but is that enough?

Here’s what a Redbox representative told The Consumerist:

Redbox kiosks are only equipped to rent out one disc per rental fee. Since customer feedback has told us that many of our game customers like to test out titles before they buy them, we’ve decided to offer Disc 1 of Max Payne 3 for Xbox 360 so that renters can try it out for a low daily rate. Disc 1 contains the entire online multiplayer mode and the first half of the extremely substantial single-player game. We think that’s a great deal for just a couple of dollars a day, and we’re excited to offer it! We’ve added a message on the website and on kiosk screens to let renters know about the limited game-playing.

Hmm, I think this is going to irritate a lot of people. But I guess the real question is, what’ll happen to all of those disc twos?

Posted in News, Xbox 360 | Tagged

New Releases: Diablo III, Max Payne 3, Game of Thrones, More

It’s finally time to give the devil his due, Diablo III will be available in stores this week. With a whole mess of big releases, this marks the end of the “new game drought” that has been plaguing gamers all throughout the month of April. And Diablo III isn’t even the only long-awaited return this week…

  • Max Payne is back for another round of stylized neo-noir action in Max Payne 3 for the PC, PS3, Xbox 360.
  • George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones makes the jump to the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 courtesy of Atlus.
  • The Test Drive series returns to its roots in Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends (PS3, Xbox 360).
  • Rising Star Games makes it US debut with Cave’s sidescrolling shooter Akai Katana (Xbox 360).
  • And there’s Battleship, the game-based-on-the-movie-that-was-based-on-the-board-game is now available for the 3DS, DS, PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360.

This week is so chock full of new releases, there’s even more after the break! (more…)

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