All Articles: NCAA Football 12

PS Store Today: Trine 2, Sonic CD, L.A. Noire, a lot more

Merry Christmas from Sony! Sure, you have to pay for all of this week’s PlayStation Store goodies. But Sony Claus has been very good to us all the same.

This week sees the release of (deep breath now) Trine 2, Sonic CD, Apples To Apples, L.A. Noire, NCAA Football 12, Just Cause 2, Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, Centipede (a PSone Classic), and Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 for the PSP. Whew! Now that’s how you do a PlayStation Store update!

More information on all of these titles can be found after the break. And a complete list of all of this week’s game add-ons can be found at the PlayStation.Blog. (more…)

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NCAA Football 12 is the valedictorian of July’s NPD chart

The NPD Group has revealed the top ten bestselling games for the month of July and NCAA Football 12 jumped to the head of the class. None of the rest of the month’s new releases managed to crack the list (including the awesome Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon or the alluring Catherine). Even the heavily-hyped Duke Nukem Forever was unable to maintain its place in the top ten.

With few new releases, only 17 titles were released during the month, gamers spent their money on other things in July. According to The NPD Group’s Anita Frazier, July was the “lowest month [for game sales] since October 2006.”

Maybe that’ll show publishers that the gaming community is pretty desperate for new games in the Summer. So maybe they shouldn’t backload every worthwhile game into the September-November period. In the meantime, check out the full top ten after the break. (more…)

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New Releases: NCAA Football 12, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, More

As the Player’s Association and the NFL slowing grind towards a deal to prevent the cancellation of the 2011-12 season, EA Sports wants to know if you’re ready for some college football as NCAA Football 12 will be released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 this week. Also available this week is the final entry game adaptation of a Harry Potter movie as EA plans to release Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 for the DS, PC, PS3, Wii and Xbox 360.

The final major release for this week is a game that’s actually five years old. It’s The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – 5th Anniversary Edition and it includes all the previously released DLC, both expansions and a coupon for $10 off this Fall’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Check out the full list of the rest of this week’s new releases after the break. (more…)

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Mark Ingram scores NCAA Football 12 cover

With all the hoopla over the Madden NFL 12 Cover Vote, it’s understandable if you had no idea that EA Sports was holding a second vote to determine the cover athlete for NCAA Football 12 as well. Rather than a massive 32-player tournament and a partnership with ESPN, the NCAA Football 12 cover was determined by a simple poll on the game’s Facebook page.

Four players were in the running: Auburn University defensive lineman Nick Fairley, University of Alabama running back Mark Ingram, University of Oklahoma running back DeMarco Murray, and University of Washington quarterback Jake Locker. After 140,000 votes were cast, 2009 Heisman Trophy winner Mark Ingram was selected to be the game’s coverboy.

According to developer EA Tiburon, the game he’ll be endorsing is the most authentic college football experience yet (of course, they say that every year):

NCAA Football 12 takes the journey of the college athlete to the next level of depth and authenticity. Experience the pride and pageantry of gameday Saturday like never before as players go from high school superstar to top college player to head coach in the Road to Glory and Dynasty modes. With an enhanced in-game presentation, new traditions, and an all-new collision system, players make an impact by leading their team to the National Championship in NCAA Football 12.

NCAA Football 12 will be released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on July 12.

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