All Articles: PixelJunk Shooter 2

PixelJunk Shooter 2 Review: Delve Deeper with this Sequel

PixelJunk Shooter 2 is the latest downloadable PlayStation Network game from Q-Games. This multidirectional shooter is a sequel to the first game, which was one of my favorites of 2009. Shooter 2 was promising, touting new game mechanics and a continuation of the simple storyline they’d started in the first game. But could it live up to the long wait, and fill the shoes as the first official PixelJunk sequel? (more…)

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PixelJunk Shooter 2, Vagrant Story added to PlayStation Store

Q-Games’ manic shooting series returns to the PS3 in this week’s PlayStation Store update. PixelJunk Shooter 2 promises to be bigger than the first game with plenty of new weapons and new levels.

Also available this week, on the PSon Classics store, is the Square Enix RPG Vagrant Story. Like most JRPGs from the PSone era, Vagrant Story has been a nightmare to find on the used market, so its great to see its inclusion as a PSone Classic.

Finally, PlayStation Plus subscribers will be getting a quartet of free games this week including the first Sega Genesis Classic, Sonic the Hedgehog. Another classic game, this one a PSone Classic, going free this week is Spyro: Year of the Dragon.

Also available this week for Plus subscribers is a full-game sneak peek at two upcoming PSP Minis. There’s the retro-themed platformer Pix’n Love Rush from Sanuk Games and the puzzle game Enigmo from Beatshapers.

More information on this week’s new releases can be found after the break and details on all of this week’s game add-ons can be found at the PlayStation.Blog. (more…)

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PixelJunk Shooter 2 heating up PS3 on March 1

It may have taken a while since we reported on their podcast that PixelJunk Shooter 2 was nearly complete, but the game has a release date and it’s coming surprisingly soon – March 1. Mr. Dylan Cuthbert himself announced the good news on the PlayStation Blog, excited about bringing three entirely new worlds as well as the versus mode which Cuthbert describes as a “whole new game in itself.” Players will be able to choose from over 20 weapons and abilities when they square off, and Q-Games attributes this robust multiplayer offering for how long it’s taken to get the game out.

The Q-Games team is currently taking questions on the PS Blog, and you can also ask questions for their podcast, which is listed under Q-Games in our very own Guide to Gaming Videos on Youtube. Hopefully the new game will have the same $9.99 price point as the original.

By the way, we’re all being referred to as “PixelJunkies” from now on.

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Tune in with Q-Games on PixelJunk Radio

The hotly anticipated PSN title PixelJunk Shooter 2 is reportedly close to completion and the folks at Kyoto-based Q-Games have launched the inaugural episode of their podcast, PixelJunk Radio.  Ariel Angelotti, Bear Trickey, Duncan Flett, and the man himself, Dylan Cuthbert sit down over Kirin beers to discuss life in Japan, particularly the toilets.  It’s just over 11 minutes so I’d highly recommend it if you’re interested in some laid back banter among the team (about toilets).  You can follow the chatter at their YouTube channel or subscribe to it on iTunes.

The PixelJunk series has consistently been among the best downloadable games this generation, so it’ll be interesting to get insight from the team, especially as they answer fan questions.  For more on podcasts, you can expect the inaugural episode of our very own Warp Zoned Podcast to drop in the coming days, starring Ryan Littlefield, Nicole Kline, and yours truly.

You can also watch the first episode right here:

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