All Articles: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II

XBLA Today: Sonic 4 Episode II, Jam Live Music Arcade

Microsoft has added a pair of titles to the Xbox Live Arcade on this XBLA Wednesday.

This week, Sega has completed their Sonic throwback series with Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. The platformer is priced at 1200 Microsoft Points ($15):

The Sonic 4 Saga continues in Episode II with the return of a beloved side kick and fan-favorite villains! Following the events of Episode I, Metal Sonic has returned to form an alliance with Dr. Eggman! To face this new evil, Sonic will have to call upon an old friend to help him save the day! Now joined by Tails, race across four new Zones and take down fearsome new badniks with deadly combination moves in order to put an end to this dastardly duo’s plans! Experience the Sonic 4 saga as never before with the addition of a brand new engine; bringing you gameplay with updated physics and zones in stunning HD graphics! Also new to Episode II is the addition of online/local collaborative play where players can team up with a friend to take control of Sonic and Tails as they battle against Dr. Eggman!

Also available this week is Jam Live Music Arcade, a “music sandbox” that’s available to download for 800 Microsoft Points ($10):

Jam Live Music Arcade is a robust musical experience of creative freedom. Through your guitar peripheral or controller, take control of all aspects of a song: guitar, bass, drums, vocals, synth and more. Featuring music from Modest Mouse, Fallout Boy, Atmosphere and much more, JAM has over 30 tracks from Rock, Pop, Hip Hop and techno. Be the DJ, producer and band leader in the live music sandbox or take on the arcade challenge.

Oh, and proving that Microsoft is pulling away slightly from that “XBLA Wednesday” thing, the consolemaker has announced that the classic arcade game, Dragon’s Lair, will be available from the XBLA on Friday, May 18.

Posted in News, Xbox 360 | Tagged

PSN Today: Sonic 4 Episode II, PixelJunk 4AM, a lot more

Sony has pushed out another massive week of updates for the PlayStation Store. So if you’re in the market for a new downloadable game, be sure to read on.

  • There’s Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II, Sega’s continuation of the blue hedgehog’s 2D rebirth.
  • There’s PixelJunk 4AM, Q-Games’ music mixing game.
  • There’s GoldenEye 007: Reloaded for all the “Bond, James Bond” fans out there.
  • There’s Prototype 2, Activision’s new open-world game.
  • There’s a pair of classics in Myst (PSone) and Red Faction II (PS2).

There’s also a few more titles after the break (along with more details on all of these games). And if you’re looking for a list of the new game add-ons that were added to the PlayStation Store today, check out the PlayStation Blog. (more…)

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Sega reveals Tails, Metal Sonic to return in Sonic 4 Episode 2

Ken Balough, Sega’s Digital Brand Manager, recently sat down with GameSpot to reveal that the publisher is still hard at work on Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. What’s been taking so long? Apparently Sega is listening to the fan complaints and creating all-new graphics and physics engines for the game.

Oh, and they’re also inserting Miles “Tails” Prower as your sidekick and they’ve resurrected Metal Sonic to be the villain. Hit the break to view the entire interview.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II will be coming to the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, and mobile platforms like iOS, Windows Phone, and Android in 2012 (sorry Wii owners). (more…)

Posted in Mobile, News, PS3, Xbox 360 | Tagged

Sonic 4 Episode 2 speeds into 2012

It seems like it has been forever since Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I was released back in October 2010. But after Sega West CEO Mike Hayes confirmed that Episode II is still in production, it looks like we’ll all have to wait a little bit longer before we can play as our favorite blue hedgehog with a turbocharger. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II actually isn’t slated to be released until sometime in 2012.

“This year, 2011, is the anniversary, so we’re focusing on the celebration title,” Sonic Team’s Takashi Iikuza said to Eurogamer, “But moving forward to 2012, Sonic will still be going, so I’d hope to provide Episode 2 then.”

Excuse me Sega, isn’t the whole idea of episodic gaming supposed to be to release multiple small games with shorter development times? Looks like Sega has been palling around with Valve a little too much lately. Has anyone seen Gordon Freeman?

Posted in News, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 | Tagged

Sonic 4 Episode 2 announcement coming “very soon”

Hey, remember that side-scrolling reboot of the Sonic series that Sega said would honor the hedgehog’s Genesis roots? And no, I’m not talking about the upcoming Sonic Generations. It’s easy to forget, but I’m actually talking about the episodic adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

Episode I was released in October of last year and in the ten months since, Sega has mentioned nary a peep about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. But, according to Sega West CEO Mike Hayes, an announcement concerning the downloadable game will arrive “very soon.” And actually, we should “look out for that one.”

Mike, buddy, I don’t want to tell you how to run your business, but if there’s nearly a year between the release of Episode I and the announcement of Episode II, that’s not an episodic release schedule. Just ask Gabe Newell.

[Source: VG247]

Posted in Mobile, News, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 | Tagged