All Articles: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

10 Actresses We Think Could Play Elena Fisher in the Uncharted Movie


Recently, we looked at who could play Nathan Drake and his fatherly cohort in crime, Victor “Sully” Sullivan, in the upcoming film adaptation of Naughty Dog’s Uncharted franchise. However, their Indiana Jones-esque adventures would not be complete without American journalist Elena Fisher there to film their antics, get kidnapped, and break Nate’s heart. But which Hollywood darling could play the part and woo one of gaming’s most lovable rogues? We have picked ten actresses that we think best fits the part. (more…)

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10 Actors We Think Could Play Victor “Sully” Sullivan in the Uncharted Movie


When production on the film adaptation of Uncharted first began to gain momentum under the direction of Seth Gordon, we listed our picks on which actors we thought could bring Nathan Drake to life. However, Nate would not be the man he is without adoptive father figure Victor “Sully” Sullivan by his side. Let’s take a look at ten actors who could slip into the role and don Sully’s thin, shermanic moustache. (more…)

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10 Actors We Think Could Play Nathan Drake in the Uncharted Movie


According to The Hollywood Reporter, Seth Gordon has been chosen to helm the planned film adaptation of Naughty Dog’s Uncharted. The director, best known for the Donkey Kong documentary King of Kong as well as Horrible Bosses, steps into the role after it was left vacant by Limitless director Neil Burger, who has since moved onto Divergent, the first installment in the teen franchise. He himself had inherited the role from Oscar winner David O. Russell, who left due to the fan backlash following a leaked storyline that didn’t resemble Uncharted in the slightest.

So now that the film finally has a director locked (again), the big question remains… who will fill the well-tread boots of cheeky protagonist Nathan Drake? Here is a list of ten actors we believe could do the role justice. (more…)

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Uncharted movie director out, National Treasure writers in

Sony Pictures has made two announcements regarding their long-gestating adaptation of Naughty Dog’s Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, both of which seem to indicate it will be in development for a bit longer.

The first is that Neil Burger, who had replaced David O’Russell as the film’s director last summer, has now exited the project. No explanation was given for this, but seeing that two new writers have been brought in, one imagines that those involved were not happy with the current direction.

Those two new writers are the husband and wife duo Cormac and Marianne Wibberly, best known for penning the Nicolas Cage-led National Treasure franchise. Given the similar subject matter, one can almost see the complex inner workings of the producer’s thought processes.

Losing Burger is unfortunate, as his most recent film, Limitless, showed a creative visual flair that has been developing during his career. Sony Pictures, along with Atlas Entertainment and Arad Productions, are now going to wait to until the Wibberlys deliver a new draft before shopping it around to potential new directors.

[Source: Variety]

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PSN Today: Uncharted 1 & 2, Resident Evil Chronicles HD, Amazing Spider-Man, more

If, for some insane reason, you own a PS3 and have yet to play Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune or Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Sony is giving you another chance by adding both titles to the PlayStation Store today. Hmm, I’m a PS3 owner who’s never played either, maybe this was meant for me.

Another new release that was clearly meant for me is Resident Evil Chronicles: HD Collection. The compilation bundles together The Umbrella Chronicles and The Darkside Chronicles, two light gun games that were previously exclusive to the Wii.

Sony’s not done as they’ve also added movie tie-in game The Amazing Spider-Man, food preparation sim Order Up!!, offroad racer Jeremy Mcgrath’s Offroad and PSone Classic The Little Mermaid II.

Finally, the PSP RPG Unchained Blades, which was developed by the makers of Grandia and Lunar, has been added to the PlayStation Store today.

For more information on all of this week’s releases, hit the jump. And for a complete rundown of this week’s new game add-ons, please visit the PlayStation Blog. (more…)

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Uncharted movie gets Neil Burger as new director

Neil Burger, director of Limitless, The Illusionist, and The Lucky Ones, is in negotiations to write and direct the movie adaptation for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Variety has reported. David O. Russell left, citing creative differences, and it seems as though the first draft for the movie, written by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer, is going to be canned in lieu of whatever Burger has pitched.

This is good news for fans. Hopefully no Russell means no Mark Wahlberg, and no ridiculous storyline involving Drake’s uncle (I mean, come on, seriously?). Maybe dreams do come true for fanboys and either Nolan North or Nathan Fillion will get to play the part of Drake. Whatever the case may be, is it safe for me to say “Nathan Drake is back, baby!” yet? Well, I say that every day, so I guess it doesn’t matter either way.

Sony’s hoping to make a major franchise out of the series, starting with movies, and hopefully ending with books and, I don’t know, maybe plushy Sullivans. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves have sold almost six million copies. The next installment in the popular Naughty Dog series, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, will be out November 1. I’m expecting it will sell a boatload of copies.

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David O. Russell leaves Uncharted movie

In a development sure to please many gamers, David O. Russell has stepped away from helming the upcoming film adaptation of the Uncharted series. Variety reports that while Russell is leaving his writing and directorial duties due to creative differences, the split is amicable. Sony is expected to look for a new writer and director to take on the project.

Russell said a lot of things about the project that made many gamers worry, from Mark Wahlberg starring as Drake, to the film focusing on Drake’s family, reimagined as a secret society of international art police. Whoever leads this thing, let’s just hope it’s somehow related to the game series.

UPDATE: is reporting that Sony fired Russell from the project because his story ideas strayed too far from the game. Way to go Sony!

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